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Friendship Ball!

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Feb 16, 2017, 10:28:52 PM2/16/17
to ARHS Best Buddies
Hi, Best Buddies!

Today is the final reminder that the Friendship Ball is tomorrow!
 The theme of this year's dance is "The Besties," a friendship award show! 
When: Friday, February 17 - tomorrow!
What Time: 6:00-9:00 PM
Where: Algonquin Cafeteria
Cost: $15 (includes food)
Attire: Semi-Formal (please no t-shirts or jeans)
The dance is super fun and we love to see everyone enjoying time with their friends!

Also, if anyone would like to help in the set up for the Friendship Ball, anyone is welcome to come from 2:00-4:00 PM after school in the cafeteria to help us set up for the Ball! We would be very appreciative of your help!

Thank you all so much and we truly hope you can join us tomorrow! Enjoy your February Break!
-Best Buddies Officers
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