Buddy Pair Meeting Tomorrow and March Chapter Event

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Mar 7, 2017, 8:42:40 PM3/7/17
to ARHS Best Buddies
Hi, Best Buddies! 

Just a reminder that tomorrow, March 8, we have a buddy pair meeting in Mr. Hausmann's room (D203). The meeting will take place after school from 2:00-2:45 PM and we are going to be playing Just Dance on the Wii and having snacks! See you there, buddy pairs!

As some may know from our Chapter Meeting, March is the month of spreading the campaign for "Spread the Word to End the Word." The R-Word is a derogatory term and is hurtful to people with intellectual or developmental disabilities, their friends, and their families. So, throughout the month of March, we advertise this campaign with a day that we all wear the same color and a bake sale during the school day. 

Here are the details for this year:
Wednesday, March 15: We encourage everyone to wear the color red to support and Spread the Word to End the Word campaign.
Friday, March 17: We will have our bake sale and have people pledge to "Spread the Word to End the Word." If you would like to help by bringing (non-store bought) baked goods or are able to help sell baked goods during lunch, please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-iyaejG_WbLg6oUScAAtxz5RcB1qjQH0W4p-4dDiMSk/edit?usp=sharing 
If you are able to help by bringing in a baked good, you can bring it to Mr. Hausmann's room before first period that Friday. Thank you!

Lastly, we are going to be hosting another Pizza Palooza!
Our Pizza Palooza will be Friday, March 17! Here are the details:
What Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
Where: in the Algonquin Cafeteria
What are We Doing: We will be doing a variety of St. Patrick's Day themed games and activities during the night, along with having pizza and snacks!
What to Wear: Green! for St. Patrick's Day!

If you have any questions about the events in March, feel free to contact any of the officers or advisers!
Thank you and have a great week!
-Best Buddies Officers
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