Mail Server v1.1.6.0 - now with Web Interface

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ArGoSoft Products

May 21, 2019, 8:41:06 PM5/21/19
Hello everyone,

We have a new version of Mail Server (v1.1.6.0).  And now it has Web Interface.

Changes are as follows:
  • Added Web Interface. It is a separate Web (HTTP) service, build into the server.  It runs along and with the same "rights" with other services (as SMTP, IMAP, POP3)  and can be configured the similar way. No third party servers are required. Currently it is pretty limited: you can only check email, and only in Inbox folder.  More, including server administration, is coming in future versions.  Both, HTTP and HTTPS are supported;
  • Improved handling of Recommendations, introduced in version  Added checking of server certificate, also verification whether DKIM key pair is set up properly and they match.  Also, if there is an error generating recommendations, it stops wherever error occurs, rather than generating an exception and halting the execution;
  • If there is a problem with inserting DKIM Signature, email will be still sent. In previous versions the server was generating and error and not sending the mail.
  • Updated the user interface for DKIM section.  List box of domains, which was rather confusing, was replaced by a drop down list. Also, now you DKIM settings can be tested on the spot.

A few words about the Web Interface: enable or disable it from Settings - Services - Web Interface.

It uses bootstrap, which means, the interface is mobile friendly.

As mentioned above, it is very limited at this point:  you can read mail, compose new messages, reply to them (all in plain text), mark as flagged, seen (read), deleted, and then purge them...  And, you can not access any other folders but Inbox (messages sent out will be saved into Sent Items folder though, and will marked as answered).  Users can change their password, and certain settings, which apply to the current release.

Probably, it will not become as advanced as other dedicated web hosting services (you never know though), but I will be adding other server components, similar to ones we had in the older versions of web interface: administration of certain settings of server.

Web templates can be modified, but I would not recommend to do too much modifications at this point, because changes are coming, and you will need to redo the work over and over again.  See Mail Server FAQ for more.

And, upgrade is still free.

Get new versions on our Downloads page.


Ken Poulsen

May 22, 2019, 4:09:57 PM5/22/19
to ArGoSoft Products
Hi Archi

Nice touch with the new webinterface.

But as im running argosoft togethers with other services such as IIS and a few sites on My server, it it possible to integrere it to that? Like you could, with the old webinterface (that im still running)

One ting on the new web, when logning in, it says i have zero mails in My inbox, but i do have 500 Or so.




May 22, 2019, 7:42:49 PM5/22/19
to ArGoSoft Products
Hi Ken,

Old interface will still work.

You can run new interface web part on ports, that than your web server.

No messages.  It is strange.  How exactly are you logging in?  Is your domain _Default group?  Are you using just username, or ?



May 22, 2019, 8:35:14 PM5/22/19
to ArGoSoft Products
Problem with "No Messages" has been fixed.

The problem was occurring when when format was used.

Please download again at the download page, and follow usual upgrade instructions.

Thanks for spotting it

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