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Import server certificate programatically.

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David Matthewson

May 10, 2023, 6:39:14 AM5/10/23
to ArGoSoft Products
I use Let'sEncrypt certificates for the server which work fine but of course I have to renew them every few months. On Exchange I use Powershell to automate this but can't find any API or similar for the Argo mail server.

Does anyone have any information on this please?


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David Matthewson

May 16, 2023, 12:56:53 PM5/16/23
to ArGoSoft Products
Anyone please? Thanks!

Peter van der Weerd

Jun 9, 2023, 3:12:09 AM6/9/23
to ArGoSoft Products
I'm not sure what happened to Archie. He doesn't reply anymore. Really hope he is well!

AFAIK there is no api for this.
I had a quick look in Argosoft.MailServer.Data.dll. It looks like the certificate is stored in the database.
My 2 cts: 
- stop mailserver
- modify db (back it up first)
- start mailserver

Hope this helps.


Op dinsdag 16 mei 2023 om 18:56:53 UTC+2 schreef

Jun 29, 2023, 6:58:51 AM6/29/23
to ArGoSoft Products
This would be a really good idea. Has anyone got a script working?
I would prefer that the mail server does it automatically rather than through API.

IF server certificate is out of date THEN
    attempt to import new certificate
         IF computer certificate store has certificate with same name AND is in date THEN
              install certificate
              stop mailserver
              restart mailserver
              email admin user to let them know server certificate is out-of-date

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