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Error when make backup

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Ken Poulsen

Jun 17, 2022, 4:19:22 PM6/17/22
to ArGoSoft Products

When performing a backup in latest version i get this error

Screenshot 2022-06-17 221743.png
It translates into english like this "Dataerror (Cyclic redundancy check) and backup ends

Jun 17, 2022, 9:01:54 PM6/17/22
to ArGoSoft Products
Cyclic redundancy check is a data check to verify that te data from a disk correctly readied is. when je get this error then the are a few possibilities possible.

1)   Your data file is corrupted. that is possible duo Bad software, a instable server or power shortest/failure 
2)  Your data file is corrupted duo broken disk. The disk needs replacement When the S.M.A.R.T statistic is bad the disk needs replacement. 

Op vrijdag 17 juni 2022 om 22:19:22 UTC+2 schreef

ArGoSoft Products

Jun 17, 2022, 9:55:09 PM6/17/22
to ArGoSoft Products
Do you have the users, logs and similar folders in the default location?


Ken Poulsen

Jun 18, 2022, 8:51:59 AM6/18/22
to ArGoSoft Products
It is installedin default location.

It backup the first domain, Then the error came (tried twice)

Ken Poulsen

Jun 18, 2022, 8:52:53 AM6/18/22
to ArGoSoft Products
Have to check up on that, havnt recived any smart error, or any errors from that machine.

Ken Poulsen

Jun 19, 2022, 7:38:52 AM6/19/22
to ArGoSoft Products
Well no "smart" errors, or any other errors while testing the drive, and pc.

But it still maby could be a corrupted mail, thats causing it, but that would be nearly impossible to find that one :-( i know what specific user that it is on, but has about 2500 in varius folders.

ArGoSoft Products

Jun 19, 2022, 9:05:07 PM6/19/22
to ArGoSoft Products
Interesting... Can you try to make a copy of your folder, rename your original, and then put back a copy with the original name?  While the server is stopped.

Ken Poulsen

Jun 20, 2022, 1:14:19 PM6/20/22
to ArGoSoft Products
Did find a corrupt email, while i copied it to a "new" location, 1 file came with an error.. after moving the rest and renaming, i could make a backup, and now the mail is removed from the user.. (like who the hell sends musicfiles these days....)

ArGoSoft Products

Jun 20, 2022, 4:37:15 PM6/20/22
to ArGoSoft Products
OK, glad you solved the problem :-)
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