Australia: Partner visa charges to be increased by 50% from January 1, 2015.

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Dec 15, 2014, 3:03:36 AM12/15/14

15 DEC 2014 - 5:02PM

Govt to cash in on visas for foreign love

The Abbott government will increase the visa applications charges for partner visas by 50 per cent, raising $373.6 million for the budget repair job.

The cost of a foreign affair is set to increase by several thousand dollars.

Australians who fall in love with or marry a foreigner will have to pay 50 per cent more for partner visa application fees.

The move was announced in the mid-year budget review on Monday and will raise $373.6 million in revenue over four years.

The price rise will come into force from January 1, 2015.

Meanwhile, plans to increase Australia's refugee intake starting in 2017-18 will cost $140 million over two years.

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison previously said the move would be fully funded from offsets within his portfolio.

There will be an extra 2500 places in the humanitarian program in 2017-18 and 5000 the following year with a total of 18,750 spots that year.

The revival of temporary protection visas and introduction of safe haven enterprise visas come with a price tag of $52.9 million this financial year and $340 million over the next three years.

Nearly $32 million has been added to border protection operations with the purchase of the Ocean Shield vessel two years early.

The Triton ship will be leased for an extra six months until June 2015.

The government has also pulled $96.5 million over two years from building a transit centre in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea to accommodate asylum seekers whose refugee claims have been rejected and are awaiting removal.

Instead they will stay in the Manus Island detention centre until they are repatriated.


* Provisional and permanent partner visas - currently $3085 increased to $4627.50

* Prospective marriage visa - currently $3085 increased to $4627.50

* Temporary and permanent partner visas - currently $4575 increased $6865.50

(Source: Immigration Department)

Gaston Moure

Dec 15, 2014, 6:17:38 PM12/15/14
Grande Abbott , que los extranjeros ayuden a cubrir el deficit fiscal !!! Asi se hace !!!

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Pipo Fisherman

Dec 15, 2014, 10:57:18 PM12/15/14
l amor es ciego, asi que, paguen con los ojos cerrados!

"En Australia existen dos clases de personas: aquellas que viven en la Sunshine Coast, y aquellas que desearian vivir en la Sunshine Coast".
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