Activation of plugin in Arelle API

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Sriram S

Apr 24, 2024, 7:55:26 AM4/24/24
to Arelle-users
Hi Team,

I'm able to activate the plugin in commandline with the below command,

arelleCmdLine --plugin validate/DQC --dqc-version

and the validation works fine on the local host with the below command

Similarly, how to activate the plugin while using the API since it returns the response with the below error:

<entry code="arelle:pluginParameterError" level="error">
 <message name="validate/DQC" file="validate/DQC">[arelle:pluginParameterError] Unable to load "validate/DQC" as a plug-in or "validate/DQC" is not recognized as a plugin command.  -</message> <ref href=""/></entry>

It would be helpful to get your insights on the above!


Austin Matherne

Apr 24, 2024, 11:03:15 AM4/24/24
to Arelle-users
Hi Sriram,

Are you running Arelle from python source or one of the distributed builds?

Kind regards,
Austin Matherne

Sriram S

Apr 24, 2024, 11:13:23 AM4/24/24
Hi Austin,

Using the distributed builds not a python source.



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Austin Matherne

Apr 24, 2024, 4:05:46 PM4/24/24
to Arelle-users
What command are you using to launch the webserver?

Sriram S

Apr 25, 2024, 4:14:21 AM4/25/24
to Arelle-users
Hi Austin,

To give more clarity of our usage. We create an Arelle image from the github commits (for both the Arelle & EdgarRenderer) which runs on the docker. 

If I place the 'xule' folder inside the 'plugin' folder of the container with the files under 'validate' folder, I get the expected response as mentioned below,

<entry code="info" level="info">
 <message>2024-04-25 07:52:44,331 [info] Activation of plug-in DQC Rules Validator successful, version Check version using Tools->DQC->Version on the GUI or --dqc-version on the command line. - validate/DQC
 <ref href="validate/DQC"/></entry>

<entry code="debug" level="debug">
 <message>2024-04-25 07:52:45,235 [debug] resourcesFolder=/arelle_cgi/plugin/EdgarRenderer/resources - EdgarRenderer
 <ref href="EdgarRenderer"/></entry>

My query is how to automate this process of adding the xule & dqc python files to be placed in the respective folder OR in other words how to activate a new plugin (dqc validator or any other plugin) for our usage.

Hope it's clear for you to give a solution to resolve my issue.

Thanks for your support!

Austin Matherne

Apr 25, 2024, 10:22:57 AM4/25/24
to Arelle-users
The XULE and DQC plugins are maintained in a separate project by XBRL US. You may find it helpful to look at the build steps we use to package them in our builds.

Kind regards,
Austin Matherne

Sriram S

Apr 26, 2024, 8:57:03 AM4/26/24
to Arelle-users
It works as expected. Thanks Austin for your support!
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