Loading EBA xBRL-CSV sample files

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Javier Mora Gonzálbez

Apr 27, 2024, 6:07:55 AM4/27/24
to Arelle-users

First of all, thank you so much for your effort in maintaining this amazing open-source tool for so many years. It's really useful for people like me teaching XBRL at Universities and other institutions.

In the last weeks, we've been trying to load in Arelle the EBA Reporting Framework 3.3 xBRL-CSV sample files published by the EBA at the webpage https://www.eba.europa.eu/risk-and-data-analysis/reporting-frameworks/reporting-framework-33.

After loading the ZIPs of the dictionary, severity and reporting frameworks as taxonomy packages...


... and loading the "Load From OIM" and "Save Loadable OIM" plugins...


... we're able to successfully load the EBA xBRL-XML sample files but we get the error  below when we try to load the EBA xBRL-CSV files following the instructions published on https://arelle.readthedocs.io/en/2.26.2/plugins/popular/load_from_oim.html


May I ask for your help to know if it's possible to load the EBA xBRL-CSV reports with Arelle?

Thanks in advance for your help and guidance.

Best regards,

Austin Matherne

Apr 29, 2024, 9:52:45 PM4/29/24
to Arelle-users
Hi Javier,

It looks like they're using the candidate recommendation version of xBRL-CSV 1.0 (doc type https://xbrl.org/CR/2021-02-03/xbrl-csv) as opposed to the final recommendation version of xBRL-CSV 1.0 (doc type https://xbrl.org/2021/xbrl-csv). I'm currently working on migrating OIM support into core Arelle (so plugins won't be needed). I'll look into supporting the CR version of the csv spec while I'm at it.

Kind regards,
Austin Matherne

Javier Mora Gonzálbez

Apr 30, 2024, 8:47:13 AM4/30/24
to Arelle-users
Thanks for your quick response, Austin.

Any future updates on this topic will be very appreciated.

Best regards,
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