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New install using arelle-win.exe has no labels

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Bill Palmer

Feb 9, 2024, 1:57:51 PM2/9/24
Why is my new install from the Win-64 installer not able to access labels? It uses qnames as when no label linkbase is available.

Help-About menu says installation is  arelle 2.23.2(64bit AMD64)

Bill Palmer

Bill Palmer

Feb 12, 2024, 4:27:48 PM2/12/24
Fortunately I was able to get back to the state before upgrading to a late release. Phew!  Bad news is that the software then has to be considered frozen now... for any new development or fixes until a reliable-full-featured version is confirmed. Basically, can anyone risk updating based on my experience here? 

My suspicion is that, somehow, it was thought best to load files from the server and not from the local .zip file version of labels. (Well, that would be a bad idea actually). Then this feature is just not implemented correctly in any recent version? Just guessing..... 

Bill Palmer

Austin Matherne

Feb 15, 2024, 5:41:28 PM2/15/24
to Arelle-users
Hi Bill,

Arelle prefers local to remote files when possible. This is true for both older and newer releases of Arelle. The latest releases of Arelle are actively used by service providers and government institutions.

Some additional information would be helpful to figure out what's going on here:
  1. With the latest version of Arelle, are there any errors in the messages panel when you load the report?
  2. What version of Arelle did you rollback to where the labels displayed properly?
  3. For both versions of Arelle, can you provide the User Interface and Label language settings from the Arelle "Tools" > "Language..." menu?
  4. Can you provide the output of the following two commands from a PowerShell prompt?
    1. Get-Culture | Format-List
    2. Get-UICulture | Format-List
  5. Can you provide an XBRL report that you experienced the issue with?

Kind regards,
Austin Matherne

Bill Palmer

Feb 16, 2024, 11:52:03 PM2/16/24
to Arelle-users
Hi Austin,

Thanks for the response. We both agree that government and providers are actively using and relying... that is why I was not careful to backup anything.... and the arelle install has always, historically, been clean and successful. The only issue is the arelle GUI that loses labels. Interesting that you asked about the Language setting, because the only time this no-labels-GUI happened in a similar fashion was loading an ESEF filing. I assumed that it had something to do with the maturity of ESEF... and, so, just ignored all ESEF for the time being.

1. I do not recall any error messages.

2. arelle(c) 2.13.7 (64bit AMD64) worked.

3. Language is (en-US) for current running arelle

4. The powerShell commands both return the following:
> Get-Culture | Format-List

Parent                         : en
LCID                           : 1033
KeyboardLayoutId               : 1033
Name                           : en-US
IetfLanguageTag                : en-US
DisplayName                    : English (United States)
NativeName                     : English (United States)
EnglishName                    : English (United States)
TwoLetterISOLanguageName       : en
ThreeLetterISOLanguageName     : eng
ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName : ENU
CompareInfo                    : CompareInfo - en-US
TextInfo                       : TextInfo - en-US
IsNeutralCulture               : False
CultureTypes                   : SpecificCultures, InstalledWin32Cultures, FrameworkCultures
NumberFormat                   : System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo
DateTimeFormat                 : System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo
Calendar                       : System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar
OptionalCalendars              : {System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar, System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar}
UseUserOverride                : True
IsReadOnly                     : False

5.  I tested multiple  local and newest SEC downloaded .zip files.  Not the filing.
Just wondering....Did you try opening a local zip after a new install of the latest version on a Windows 10 machine or any Windows machine? 

Also, some installations may rely exclusively on the Command-Line features so no GUI familiarity.  Not likely to be the case though. :).

A side note... Edgar Renderer has labels in its reports, indicating that the label linkbase is being read by that app and, so, it is seemingly  just not happening for the arelle GUI(if I recall correctly).

Bill Palmer
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Austin Matherne

Feb 21, 2024, 12:52:24 PM2/21/24
to Arelle-users
Thanks. The Windows build is tested on every release. We provide an exe installer and a zip file format of the Windows builds. The zip version can be extracted to another directory and is useful for testing multiple versions of Arelle on the same system.

Can you try downloading the latest version of the zip build (so as not to interfere with your working installation) and let me know what the "User Interface" and also the "Labels" settings are in the language menu?

Also, most of the right click menus in Arelle have a label role setting. Did you by chance change that setting?

Kind regards,
Austin Matherne

Bill Palmer

Feb 21, 2024, 1:12:06 PM2/21/24
Thanks, Austin,

The suggestion about installing from .zip  for multiple versions is very helpful. That will be my starting point, 
...... and I will look at your other insights as I do these additional version tests, etc.

Bill Palmer


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Austin Matherne

Feb 22, 2024, 10:47:09 AM2/22/24
to Arelle-users
Hi Bill,

A bug was found in the recent language detection code. This should be fixed in the latest release (2.23.10) published today. I believe it will resolve this issue. Let me know if it doesn't.

Thanks for reporting,
Austin Matherne

Bill Palmer

Feb 22, 2024, 3:07:07 PM2/22/24
to Arelle-users
Hi Austin,

Ok. I will try it and let you know. Thanks for all your work on various issues that arise here.

Bill Palmer
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