OIM support and new validation specification (Table Constraint and Rules 3.0)

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Vincent Le Moal-Joubel

Jun 19, 2024, 9:39:24 AMJun 19
to Arelle-users
Hello Arelle team,

Thank you for the great work, we are using Load OIM plugin to validate instance and it works well.
We have some performance issues with an xBRL-CSV instance of 5000 rows on a custom taxonomy without any formula. Can we expect better performance when you have integrated OIM directly in the core of Arelle? Do you have a timeline in mind?

New XII draft specifications were released these past weeks, particularly interesting in the context of granular xBRL-CSV data. Do you plan to support soon Table Constraints and Rules 3.0 (which seems really close to XULE)?

Thank you!

Austin Matherne

Jun 21, 2024, 5:27:40 PMJun 21
to Arelle-users
Hi Vincent,

Thank you for your message and for your appreciation of our work.

In a recent version of Arelle (2.29.0), we released an optimization in OIM support that improves loading performance. Additionally, we have integrated OIM loading support into the core of Arelle, so a plugin is no longer required.

We have long-term plans to further improve OIM performance and to reduce the overhead associated with Arelle's processing model, which was originally designed specifically for XML. This is a significant undertaking, and our current timeline for these improvements is 1+ years.

Regarding the new PWD validation-related specifications, our team actively participates in the working groups developing these specifications and we plan to support them in Arelle. Generally, support for new specifications begins when they are promoted to candidate recommendation status and the call for implementations is issued. I expect our support for Table Constraints will follow this path. In the case of the XBRL Query and Rules Language, since the specification closely maps to the current XULE plugin for Arelle, we expect the plugin to continue evolving when changes are made to the specification and eventually become the implementation of the specification for Arelle.

Kind regards,
Austin Matherne

Vincent Le Moal-Joubel

Jun 25, 2024, 4:40:02 AMJun 25
to Arelle-users
Thank you for your answer.
We noticed a real boost in performance with the last version of Arelle, you did a really great job.
We'll stay tuned for news on these specifications, meanwhile I'll look at github how you embedded OIM in the core of Arelle, and maybe contribute at some point.
Thank you again for your hard work.

Best regards,

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