DQC v23 - XULE error

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Dinesh kumar

Apr 11, 2024, 11:38:57 AM4/11/24
to Arelle-users
After updating to DQC v23, it's displaying validation errors in ECD Taxonomy 2023. The errors indicate that the value for a line item or dimension must be a qname or concept, but it's being recognized as a 'bool' or 'NoneType' object. Can you assist in resolving these errors and confirm if there were any missed updates?

Rule: DQC.US.0170.10131 - The value for a line item or dimension must be a qname or concept, found  xule:error 'bool'.

Rule: DQC.US.0170.10129 - The value for a line item or dimension must be a qname or concept, found 'bool'.

rule DQC.US.0152.10116: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'qname'

David Tauriello

Apr 12, 2024, 6:37:25 AM4/12/24
to Arelle-users
Hi Dinesh - what XULE version are you using?  DQC v23 works with XULE 23227.


David Tauriello

Apr 12, 2024, 9:56:44 AM4/12/24
to Arelle-users
Hi Dinesh - can you send the filing related to the DQC 0152 error to d...@xbrl.us - ?

A fix for the issue with DQC 0170 is in process - thanks for sending this along.


On Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 11:38:57 AM UTC-4 dineshku...@gmail.com wrote:

Dinesh kumar

May 8, 2024, 1:17:57 PM5/8/24
to Arelle-users

Thanks David, Updated XULE version to latest. Everything's working as expected now.
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