Hi Austin,
I appreciate your response. It makes sense with the dimensions. I'd like to ask some follow-up questions regarding the same topic.
1. With the second question I asked, from the "AAPL retained earnings" photo, I was wondering how I can identify that the "us-gaap:StockholdersEquity" of -214 is the sum of the 5 fields above combined. (-3068+96995-14996-2099-77046)? All of the 6 fields including -214 are under the same axis and member but I am struggling to find out how we can extract the way these numbers are being calculated.
2. This is a similar thing I came across with ORCL. In the "ORCL Revenue Breakdown" attached, I see that the "Total Revenues" field is a sum of the 4 different revenue breakdowns above it. However, when looking at the linkRelationshipSet, all 5 fields including the "Total Revenues" are grouped under "us-gaap:RevenuesAbstract". Is there a way to identify that that even though they share the same "from" tag, the "Total Revenues" is a sum of the other 4 fields above?
3. On a separate note, I see that sometimes when I download the XBRL zip file, it does not contain the likes of pre, cal, lab, etc files. Are we still able to extract the information as effectively without them?
Apologies for the long follow-up but I appreciate your help.