Sending MIDI CC

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Hannes Fertala

Mar 13, 2012, 6:07:40 PM3/13/12
Hi everybody,

can someone explain how to send MIDI CC's with LSDj and Arduinoboy via MIDIOUT?

I don't really understand the explanation on the Arduinoboy-website saying the following:
"X - Sends a MIDI CC - By default in Arduinoboy the high nibble selects a CC#, and the low nibble sends a value [0-F] to [0-127].
This can be changed to allow just 1 midi CC with a range of 00-6F, or 7 CCs with scaled or unscaled values."

A example would be really cool!
Eg. How to send CC# = 44 with the parameter 112
How does the effect-row looks like in that case?


Fredrik Stolpe

Mar 14, 2012, 5:39:34 AM3/14/12

Have not used it myself, but I found a previous post on the subject:

"X (MIDI CC) = send a midi CC, by default first HEX is the CC# and second is
the value, example X4F would send a value of 127 to CC#4, X30 would send 0
to CC#3 "

So, you can only send CC# 1-16 and the values can only be steps of 8 I guess:

1 = 8
2 = 16
3 = 24
and so on...

That's by default, not sure how it can be changed, but I guess you'll
have to modify the Arduino code. So, if you have special demands you
have to make custom code, or you have to use something in between that
changes the message to something you want, for example a computer
running MIDI OX, but then there are better ways to do this...


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Mar 14, 2012, 1:22:59 PM3/14/12
Actually the config editor that comes with the arduinoboy source (free max/msp runtime required) allows you to change the CCs if I can recall. If it doesn't I should add that.

/ Tim

Peter Swimm

Mar 14, 2012, 1:29:34 PM3/14/12
It does allow you to edit the ccs. You can also define one high
resolution CC or multiple low resolution cc with scaling.

It might be cool to have a few of those cc be toggle hi/low value ones
and then give the left over resolution to the remaining cc commands.

The maxpat is really unknown, perhaps you should put a screenshot on
the main page so its clear?

Peter Swimm

Hannes Fertala

Mar 14, 2012, 5:31:30 PM3/14/12
Thanks for your answers!

I installed maxpat, and connected the Arduinoboy successfully,
but I'm still a little bit confused because of that many parameters
in the "LSDJ MIDI OUT MODE Settings".

Eg. If I like to send CC# = 44 with the parameter 111 on NOI via MIDI-Channel 1 I choose in the NOI-Row of your editor:

"Note MIDI CH" = 1 (doesn't care - right?)
"CC MIDI CH" = 1
"CC#0" = 44
"CC Mode" = 1 CC with range 0-6F
"CC#1" - "CC#6" = (doesn't care - right?)
"CC SCALING" = Use Exact Value

In LSDJ I just put the parameter "X6F" (=111dec) in the CMD-row on the NOI-channel.

So with that configuration I can use the NOI-channel only for sending CC#=44 and
the exact values given with the "X" command.

I hope, I got it now =)
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I think screenshots of maxpat with an example would be helpful on your page!


2012/3/14 Peter Swimm <>
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