Global Warming and the Gulf Stream

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Sam Carana

Jan 8, 2014, 8:22:59 PM1/8/14
Global Warming and the Gulf Stream - Our Atmospheric Pollution Roadway to Subsea Arctic Methane-Induced Climatic Hell. By Malcolm Light

Sam Carana

Paul Schofield

Jan 21, 2014, 10:14:17 PM1/21/14
Hi Sam,
Have been following your programme for months now. Thanks for making the info available to us. I have been trying to set up a group to hold network meetings wherever people will listen. We did this in the 1980s to get New Zealand declared nuclear free and it was successful.
Even now local radio talk back hosts spread denier's rubbish on a regular basis. It is all very depressing. I personally believe it is too late but we must try. People don't seem to want to listen or just right you off as an extremist. I have sent copies of your publications to the local media with covering letters but nothing has been published.
Mankind can not conceive a greater crime than wiping out life on this planet. It's so sad.
Keep up the good work

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Harold Lane

Jan 22, 2014, 7:47:11 AM1/22/14
Dear Sam,

I am most interested in todays information and Pauls comments.  I too have spent time conacting papers including the Guardian with no results.
howeve I have sent three letters to one body and hope to get results by the Spring.  Will keep you informed, they may even contact you.  My work is on Deep Ecology that we will certaqinly need sooner rather than later.  Thank you and your team,  Kind regards, Harold Lane.

Christopher Masiero

Jan 23, 2014, 2:32:38 AM1/23/14
Hi Paul and Harold,

I'm not sure about New Zealand or the UK, but Australia has in place a war time agreement on the reporting of climate change.

No major news outlet is allowed to report without consultation here.

If you think about it it is understandable, in the case of extreme climate change and extinction the flow of information would need to be controlled as to not create chaos.



David Brettell

Jan 23, 2014, 7:44:06 AM1/23/14
Dear Paul,

I understand what you say. I think as more and more people begin to do what you have been doing change will eventually happen. It might just takes a few more climate related disasters to wake people up. Don't give up as others are beginning to follow your example, myself included. Keep sending and keep writing.


Day Brown

Jan 24, 2014, 11:24:49 PM1/24/14
On 01/23/2014 06:44 AM, David Brettell wrote:
> Dear Paul,
> I understand what you say. I think as more and more people begin to do
> what you have been doing change will eventually happen. It might just
> takes a few more climate related disasters to wake people up. Don't
> give up as others are beginning to follow your example, myself
> included. Keep sending and keep writing.
Freud said it took trauma to wake neurotics to reality. But the trauma
could also be so devastating that it no longer matters that you see what
is going on, you lack the power to do anything about it.

Given mass delusion, what can we really do?

Christopher Masiero

Jan 25, 2014, 12:44:44 AM1/25/14
Feel free to ignore this, i'm speaking quite frankly.

IMO - In truth, not much.

It's up to the men and women that make up part of the worldwide response.  The response that we don't know the details of - just indications.  If I could encourage and wish them well I would, but I'm sure none of them can talk about it. Telling the world about it is not going to improve our chances, because there will already be no options off the table now.  I think that we all know this to be true, deep down, that there is no way that the world governments are blind.

I think they have thought of this scenario (methane gun) as a _likely_ one since 2007 or earlier.  Certainly the climate change in general since the late 80s.  With so much research was put into atmospheric effects of nukes since the 50's, the US military have probably been at the forefront of much of climate science for a very long time.

Individually there are plenty of ways to respond depending on the environment, but those responses have less and less chance at giving protection depending on the progress of climate change.  We are not in control.

I'm not religious, but if I had children, I'd be giving them a sense of it to ease the stress of what the possibilities are for our future.

My question is, will the governments introduce a virus of some kind to reduce the population to something manageable?  Because I'm as sure as anything that chaos will rule, and the world is in a way already prepared for the possibility of global pandemics (on purpose?).


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Dr Louis Arnoux

Jan 29, 2014, 11:01:36 AM1/29/14
to,, Day Brown, Harold Lane
Hello Sam, Day, Chris, and Harold,

I have followed your conversation on Arctic News with great interest.  

First of all Sam, thank you so much for the great work that you are doing with Arctic News.  I have found it very helpful as well as material posted by AMEG to update myself on this matter.  My main domain is energy (global dynamics and sustainable technologies).  Until recently I was of the view that climate change would gradually gain momentum in the longer term while the thermodynamic decline of the industrialised world is happening right now.  In fact it has been gathering momentum since the 1970s and we are now on the cusp of a global energy trap.  If nothing changes the most likely scenario is abrupt global civilisation collapse.  In short, in terms of climate change we are on a kind of ironical scenario, along the well known quip: "the operation was successful, unfortunately the patient died".  However, recently I began to realise the immediacy of the Arctic threat and your blog has considerably helped me. 

I have concluded that we must now face the convergence of both energy issues and abrupt climate change, i.e. we are in an even greater emergency.  If the world continues in a "business-as-usual" mode (BAU) civilisational collapse is highly likely in very short order but probably still compounded with abrupt climate change.  However, to avoid abrupt climate change we do require large amounts of energy sourced sustainably, which presently is not feasible along mainstream routes.  There are feasible non-mainstream avenues (i am part of a small number of people working on this globally) yet presently it is very hard to get heard and get the resources to implement this.  I attach an updated paper (re the Arctic threat) that expands on what I am summarising here, that may be of interest.  

Yes there is much blindness and deep ignorance of both climate/ecological and energy issues among the main media and decision making elites.  Like you Harold I have contacted quite a number of media people, politicians and captains of industry over the years but with very little success.  Re what you say Chris, I have had quite a number of occasions in my career to interact with pretty powerful people in the EU, Asia, Australasia, and the Americas in both governments and industry.  The overall sample is well over a thousand people.  I have not encountered a single one who was not operating mainly on the basis of his or her beliefs (they were overwhelmingly males) and who was not deeply ignorant of both energy and climate/ecological matters (even when they did "believe" in climate change they were doing so precisely in a believing mode, along mythical lines).  So I am 100% confident that no it is not the case that "there is no way that the world governments are blind" - sadly and very dangerously they are blind, ignorant and very often most arrogant about it… 

So I am of the view that it is up to us.  As I stress it in the attached paper, it is perfectly doable, and very rapidly.  Recall how the Internet took off from a tiny network linking a few US universities.  It happened globally first and foremost at the initiative of millions of small entrepreneurs, well before large telcos came in, and when they finally did, initially they did so very reluctantly… I am working on mounting a similar initiative for energy based on extremely low cost 100% solar, sustainable technology that I am contributing to.  I would welcome suggestions, comments, contributions from anyone interested.

Finally, Sam a query.  Are you aware of this recent publication: Ming, Tingzhen, de_Richter, Renaud, Liu, Wei, Caillol, Sylvain, 2014, “Fighting global warming by climate engineering: Is the Earth radiation management and the solar radiation management any option for fighting climate change?” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 31 (2014) 792–834, Elsevier.  Their English is a bit hesitant.  However, I have found their paper very well documented and argued.  I do think that some form of geo-engineering is necessary and that the best approaches are likely to be ones that are at least self sufficient and sustainable in energy terms.  However, the chief issue is "how to prime the pump". i.e. access to sustainably sourced energy to launch a large enough, self-sustaining geo-engineering process.  I am convinced that the sort of technology I am working on can do this, once deployed on a large scale, so there are points of synergy with what they are putting forward.  
All the very best,



Jan 30, 2014, 9:18:57 AM1/30/14

Hello Louis, Sam, Day, Chris, and Harold,


I have followed your conversation on Arctic News with great interest. Dr. Arnoux has proposed a very doable response to Climate Change” in his PDF.  ITS-EROI-Strategic-Briefing-v4.4.pdf


Of course to accomplish this it must be sold” and quickly as time is wasting. The POTUS” andRepresentatives” in our government make these decisions and to bring pressure on them We The People” must have a good understanding. Many of us have been concerned, but a solution has not appeared until now. [I think many have not mentioned this because no solution was apparent] 


I ask that this file be posted on a Public” server so we could send it round and demand our governments implement this necessary response to our pending climate and civilization collapse.


Thank you all for all the work you are doing in this crucial matter. Bruce


Bruce Eggum, Gresham Wisconsin, USA.


Dr Louis Arnoux

Jan 30, 2014, 11:49:09 AM1/30/14
to, eggy1943
Hello Bruce, Sam and All,

Thank you very much for your support Bruce.  It's great to receive feedback as over the last few years my colleagues and I have rather felt like lone voices.  We plan to develop a website and blog.  However, meanwhile if by any chance Sam you were interested in posting the paper on Arctic News that would be great, in order to stress the convergence of emergencies (energy and Arctic ones) and the fact that there are solutions that can be implemented irrespective of what governments are (not) doing.  We are gearing up to go crowd funding mode to show case our own contribution to the kind of solutions I outlined in the PDF.
All the best,

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Jan 31, 2014, 2:51:38 AM1/31/14

Hi  Louis Sam and all.
Your postings have been information, response was not asked for. I suggest you also have a Facebook page as that is an easy way for us to send your link to friends and get deliberation going.
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