Kid Friendly Snack Ideas

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Preston Wilson

2009年7月23日 清晨7:48:522009/7/23
Kids love to eat snacks; take a trip to the supermarket and your
children will surely be pointing fingers at so many things faster than
you can pick them out of the shelves. The only thing about serving
your kids this type of snacks is that it may not be all that healthy
for them. Commercial snacks will contain higher amounts of sugar,
sodium, flavoring and whatever it is that they put into these things.
If your child eats two or more snacks daily, imagine how much of these
unhealthy things will be taken in by your child. Make sure that you're
your child eats well by trying out these kid friendly snack ideas.
Pigs in a blanket are a well-loved good old snack that many kids of
today don't know about. You can do this without much problem thanks to
the availability of instant dough. Just take some of your dough
(biscuit dough or crescent roll dough) and wrap it around a breakfast
sausage and secure with a toothpick. You can add a cheese slice to
this so that it wraps around the sausage as well. Cook this according
to the dough instructions or until bread is ready.
Make a snack mix out of various healthy foods. Pop some pop corn but
skip the butter to reduce saturated fat content. Light salt this and
add nuts of your choice like cashews, almonds, pistachios, walnuts
etc. Add some raisins and dried fruit for a sweet salty mixture. This
can be a good snack to serve kids while they watch television or have
friends over. If your kids have a sweet tooth, you can drizzle this
lightly with honey and let set.
It can only be natural for your kids to miss some of those commercial
snacks if they've grown accustomed to them. Try making your own home
made potato chips by making paper thin potato slices then soaking them
in ice cold water for at least thirty minutes. Bake these in the oven
until they get crisp. You can salt these lightly for added flavor.
Serve with some homemade dip for an extra treat for your children.

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