CAA2012 - REMINDER call for papers

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Dr. Axel G. Posluschny M.A.

Nov 25, 2011, 5:40:49 AM11/25/11
Dear all,

CAA2012 will be organised by Southampton University from 26 - 30 March 2012 (

The call for papers is still open, the deadline is 30 November 2011!

I would like to especially draw your attention on session Geo10:

Integrated geospatial approaches to the interpretation of archaeological environments
In recent years advances in archaeological survey and remote sensing technologies (archaeological geophysics, aerial photography, satellite imagery, LiDAR etc.) have offered new possibilities for the recording, visualisation and analysis of archaeological environments. In parallel with the technological and methodological developments observed in individual fields of research there has been a growing awareness of the benefits of integrating different survey and remote sensing methods,  so as to produce enriched archaeological analyses and interpretations.
This trend has mainly been expressed in the increasing number of multi-method approaches to the study of archaeological remains and works that examine the benefits of various data fusion techniques. Furthermore, integrated geospatial approaches have been a main focus for discussion within international multidisciplinary research groups and networks of co-operation (e.g. ArchaeoLandscapes Europe, and Radio-Past projects,

Contributions to this session will discuss the use of integrated approaches to geospatial analysis in archaeology, highlight their benefits for archaeological practice and interpretation,  and examine the potential problems associated with their application. Papers discussing the integration and coupling of different survey and remote sensing methods (geophysical survey (e.g. magnetometry, electrical resistance, and GPR survey etc), satellite imagery, airborne remote sensing techniques, aerial photography, topographic survey, geoarchaeological survey) for the interpretation of archaeological remains are particularly encouraged. Furthermore, we invite contributions that explore how the above methods can be best combined with other computational approaches and analyses in archaeology (GIS-based analysis, ancient terrain reconstruction, 3D urban reconstructions, space syntax etc). Finally, works that cover advanced data analysis and fusion techniques,  and discuss the currently available commercial and open source software solutions for the integrated analysis of surveying and remote sensing data are also very welcome.

Best regards,

Axel Posluschny

Dr. Axel G. Posluschny M.A.
Project Manager
ArchaeoLandscapes Europe
Roman-Germanic Commission of the
German Archaeological Institute
Palmengartenstr. 10-12
D-60325 Frankfurt/Main

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