Enric Caussa Morales
For me the screen just does display a fixed blank underscore.
I can't change VT or anything, just reboot, but messages.log doesn't
report any freeze.
Enric Caussa Morales
The solution was upgrading libdrm (disabling KMS for radeon) and
updating xf86-video-ati (the previous version was six months old, this
one is just five days old).
To get X working again, please upgrade your system (pacman -Syu). Note
that the packages might take a while to propagate to other mirrors, but
you can also use our main mirror temporarily.
Thanks for reporting it Fred (i had a version with KMS compiled, to help
the #radeon guys debugging).
On 04 Apr 2012 07:18, fishforbreakfast wrote:
Enric Caussa Morales
Nice work!