Fwd: [program-community] Quick update: the community pages on COSCUP.org website

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PN Wu (小平)

Aug 2, 2018, 11:43:16 PM8/2/18
to bcb...@gmail.com, hiros...@gmail.com, Kerwin Tsai, archlinux-...@googlegroups.com
我們要挑一張 Logo 放在 COSUCP 官網上,放哪一張好呢

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Bob Chao <bob...@gmail.com>
Date: 2018年8月2日 週四 下午9:33
Subject: [program-community] Quick update: the community pages on COSCUP.org website
To: 社群議程討論區 <coscup-progr...@googlegroups.com>


As some of you may already noticed, the full schedule page is finally done on COSCUP.org: https://2018.coscup.org/programs/
Please take a look and share with your friends.

I know a few of you might want to modify the description of your community, please:

1. Send a mail to pro...@coscup.org, include "[Modify]" and your Community Room's name in the subject.
2. Write your new description in markdown format in the content
3. You might also want to attache a community logo. (.png please)

It might takes a few days -- we are quitely busy especially in a week ahead the conference, sorry about that.

Po-chiang Chao (:bobchao)
Mozillian, Creative Commoner

PN Wu (小平)

Aug 2, 2018, 11:52:13 PM8/2/18
to Kerwin Tsai, Carl Su, Huei-Horng Yo, archlinux-...@googlegroups.com
@Kerwin , 我覺得這張不錯欸;Btw , 回覆時記得使用 Reply All 哦~

@all , 我上一封信忘記附 Logo 了, Arch Linux Taiwan 目前的 Logo 都放在 https://github.com/linux-taiwan/arch.linux.org.tw/tree/master/images

Kerwin Tsai <kerw...@gmail.com> 於 2018年8月3日 週五 上午11:48寫道:

PN Wu (小平) <pingn...@gmail.com> 於 2018年8月3日 週五 上午11:43寫道:

PN Wu (小平)

Aug 2, 2018, 11:54:38 PM8/2/18
to Kerwin Tsai, Carl Su, Huei-Horng Yo, archlinux-...@googlegroups.com
@Kerwin , 這張圖的路徑在哪裡啊,我找不到 XD

PN Wu (小平) <pingn...@gmail.com> 於 2018年8月3日 週五 上午11:52寫道:


Aug 2, 2018, 11:58:10 PM8/2/18
to PN Wu (小平), Kerwin Tsai, Huei-Horng Yo, archlinux-...@googlegroups.com
Hi All,

我不建議使用 Arch Linux 官方 logo,應該使用自己社群 logo。

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