Hi Archivematica family,
We have installed ArchiveMatica 1.16 on Rocky Linux 9.4. During the install it created a user called archivematica.
I attempted to deposit an item but the DIP upload failed. What permissions should be set on folders under /var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/watchedDirectories/ ?
The command
rsync -t -O --protect-args -vv --chmod=Fug+rw,o-rwx,Dug+rwx,o-rwx -r /var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/watchedDirectories/uploadDIP/2024-038-52aa05db-e368-443b-aeec-1a1e4992eabe// /media/DisseminationInfo/e5a2/c6a4/fd46/4c77/af91/22d4/8b3a/bc45/2024-038-52aa05db-e368-443b-aeec-1a1e4992eabe
rsync: [sender] change_dir "/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/watchedDirectories/uploadDIP/2024-038-52aa05db-e368-443b-aeec-1a1e4992eabe/" failed: Permission denied (13)
I can ls -lZ to the
/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory with a regular user but cannot when adding watchedDirectories.
Should I run chmod -R 640 or 644 on the sharedDirectory folder?
Nick Crimi
East Carolina University