port forwarding to allow access of the storage service and dashboard from outisde the AM machine

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Apr 4, 2017, 4:48:11 PM4/4/17
to archivematica
Hi. I was asked to install a evaluation instance of archivematica for our archivists. We had an old PowerEdge server available, so that's what we used. R610 with 12gb RAM and 4 cores, running under Mint 18.1 at present, though we also have installed it under Ubuntu. We got it working, with some tips from Sarah Romkey about transfer locations, but we have to remote desktop into the host and use firefox on the local desktop, since we haven't gotten port forwarding to work.

Is there documentation for port forwarding archivematica's storage admin and dashboard?

Doug Simmons
SIUC Morris Library

Aaron Hunnewell

Apr 5, 2017, 6:49:49 PM4/5/17
to archivematica
I haven't tried this, but you should be able to just forward the ports you need, which should be 8000(storage service) and 80(Archivematica) by default I think.   
In putty, on windows, this would look like, after sshing in and going to settings:

Apply, Then visit http://localhost and http://localhost:8000 for the web and storage services. 

In osx or linux this is done with the ssh -L command, so

ssh -L 8000:localhost:8000 -L 8080:localhost:80 yourarchivematicamachine.com

Note we're using port 8080 for the web interface here because on osx/linux you cant use ports under 1024 without root.  

Think those methods should work, but like I said I haven't tested them.  


Apr 21, 2017, 4:48:17 PM4/21/17
to archivematica
Thank you, I didn't have any luck using these suggestions, and I think maybe I know why. As I understand the documentation for virtualbox at:
https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch06.html , host-only adapters are meant to only allow communication with the host, and are not intended to have traffic routed as with a normal NIC. The discussion here: https://superuser.com/questions/983024/virtualbox-host-only-adapter-port-forwarding seems to bear that out, "Host-only means just that... there is no connection to the outside world at all. If you truly cannot switch to another adapter type, there is no way to make this happen".

So does this mean I need to switch the NIC in the am-local VM over to bridged? I tried that and it doesn't persist over restarts with vagrant up - seems the machine is being reconfigured each time back to default... which my lack of expertise in ansible and vagrant makes me ask: can I edit the "playbook" configuring the am-local VM so that bridged networking becomes an option? I'd actually like to give am-local a real IP address, and not have to do port-forwarding at all.

thanks very much for trying to help someone so new to archivematica,
Doug Simmons
Morris Library Systems
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