We have been experiencing some unusually long loading times for the normalization reports that a user can open via the report icon during and after the "Approve normalization" job. Reports load within a minute or two for 80-90% of our packages, but for some packages, we are seeing load times of 20+ minutes for each page of the report (the peak so far is 211.31 min).
From some testing, loading times appear to take a minute or more when transfers include 3000+ files and are normalized for preservation and/or access. These transfers contain either mostly images (TIFFs, JPGs), textual documents (PDF, DOC/X, WPD, etc.) or AV (AVI, MP4, MOV). Nothing stands out in the logs for the dashboard, mcp-client, mcp-server, nginx, elasticsearch, or mariadb to help us understand why it's taking so long to load.
In very few cases (less than 5), we've also seen an "Error trying to connect to database" message in the top right of the dashboard within a few minutes of trying to load the report. All services are running when we see this error though, and restarting the instance resolves it.
We're experiencing this with AM 1.14 and 1.15 instances. Would anyone have suggestions for how to further troubleshoot this or an explanation for what's causing this (if it's not unexpected)? Any help is much appreciated!
Thank you,