Re-ingest fails with 'Unable to connect to pipeline'

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Julie Allinson

chưa đọc,
11:53:36 6 thg 6, 20166/6/16
Me again, sorry!

I have my transfer fully automated now, using the ansible vagrant box and the following branches:

storage service branch: dev/issue-8895-search-api
archivematica: stable/1.5.x

Now when I attempt to call a re-ingest, it fails. This is the same if I use the archivematica reingest button, the link in the storage service or with a direct call to the API.

All return an error “Unable to access pipeline”. And in the logs:

InvalidURL: Invalid URL u'http:///api/ingest/reingest': No host supplied
raise InvalidURL("Invalid URL %r: No host supplied" % url)

As an aside, when I tried with storage service stable/0.8.x the AIP wouldn't store because it needed authenticating against the API - that's why I went back to the search api branch.



Julie Allinson <>
Technology Development Manager
Collections Services
Library & Archives
University of York
Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK
tel: ++44 (0) 1904 324083 

skype: j.allinson | gtalk:

Julie Allinson

chưa đọc,
12:02:07 6 thg 6, 20166/6/16
... to add, I I tinkered around with the 'remote name' and api info in the Storage Service pipeline and I got different error messages which leads me to wonder if I need a different branch of the storage service?

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