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404 error when re-ingesting

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Nicole Currens

Apr 17, 2024, 9:00:56 AM4/17/24
to archivematica
Hi all! I am running into a strange issue with re-ingesting. Whenever I try any type of re-ingest (partial, full or metadata only) on any AIP I get an error:

Error re-ingesting package: Error in approve reingest API. Pipeline Archivematica on [OUR HOSTNAME] (bd4350aa-8bb5-4a7f-8090-d54aa310c28b) returned an unexpected status code: 404

This happens whether the re-ingest is initiated from the Archivematica dashboard or the storage service. In the logs, I can see that it is making an API call to /api/transfer/reingest and receiving a 404:

[error] 1392#1392: *35 open() "/usr/share/nginx/html/api/transfer/reingest" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "POST /api/transfer/reingest HTTP/1.1", host: "[OUR HOSTNAME]"

We think this is happening because Archivematica is not specifying a port in the API call and the port is defaulting to 80, not 81. We made the following requests to the /reingest endpoint and you can see we get back a 404 when there is no port specified (vs. 405 when we do specify a port):

root@archive-x01:~ # curl -sI http://[OUR HOSTNAME]:81/api/transfer/reingest HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed

root@archive-x01:~ # curl -sI http://[OUR HOSTNAME]/api/transfer/reingest HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

However, I can't find anywhere that we could specify the port. We have no problems creating AIPs, DIPs, uploading DIPs to AtoM, or doing basically anything else, so I assume that rsync and API calls are configured correctly and working. 

Does anyone have any ideas what might be going on?
Nicole Currens
University of Texas
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