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maximiliano franco

Apr 4, 2024, 9:38:05 AM4/4/24
to archivematica
I need help with installing Archivematica on Linux Debian server. Please if anyone has a step by step instruction to give me I would be very happy. Thank you!

Liam Lloyd

Apr 5, 2024, 12:33:51 PM4/5/24
to archivematica


I've only recently started using Archivematica, and I'm running it on Ubuntu rather than Debian, but perhaps the steps I used will be of some help for you. I deployed using an ansible playbook from For me, the steps to do that were:

1. Run:
sudo apt update

2. Install pip:
sudo apt install python3-pip

3. Install ansible and dependencies:
sudo pip install ansible==2.9.10 jmespath jinja2==3.0.3

4. Clone the Archivematica deployment playbooks from GitHub:
git clone

5. Run (Note that this playbook is for Ubuntu, you might have to make modifications for it to run on Debian):
cd deploy-pub/playbooks/archivematica-jammy

6. Make changes in vars-singlenode-1.15.yml. Passwords and API keys are established through this file; you probably want to update these to something more secure than the defaults. I also had to update the IPs in archivematica_src_configure_am_site_url and archivematica_src_configure_ss_url to the IP of the machine I'm running Archivematica on. I'm running Archivematica with Elasticsearch disabled; if you are using Elasticsearch you may have to make additional changes to the Elasticsearch configuration in this file

7. Install ansible roles
ansible-galaxy install -f -p roles/ -r requirements.yml

8. In singlenode.yml set hosts to localhost and beneath hosts add connection: "local" (the playbook is written with the assumption that you'll run Archivematica inside a Vagrant box, this change is necessary if you don't want to do that)

9. Launch Archivematica (omit archivematica_src_environment_type=development if you're in prod, omit archivematica_src_search_enabled=false if you want Elasticsearch):
ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook --extra-vars archivematica_src_dir="/vagrant/src" --extra-vars archivematica_src_environment_type=development --extra-vars archivematica_src_search_enabled=false singlenode.yml

I hope this helps!

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