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My kata contribution

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Hanokh Aloni

Feb 12, 2019, 2:59:58 PM2/12/19
to ArchitecturalKatas

After running a couple of katas in my company, i toyed around taking stories I met in and try to turn them into a kata. What do you think about the following one:
A software company in the agent-less network monitoring and management would like to write a software to automate as many of the tasks they can.
- Users: small to large size market for companies taht have IT deveices, able to accommodate 200k devices. Dozens of support engineers, 1k customers (up to 10 users per customer). 
- Requirements
-- Support enginner could create a new flow per device (VDV) could be defined, and modified 
-- Support engineer can start, monitor and review a support flow (discovery, do authentication setup, backup, restore, change password, monitoring*, network info gather*).
-- Support and customer could export and import these flows.
-- Because the flow steps are mostly console based and involve much log data processing, a tool should be made to ease the data processing.
-- Devices operate over various connectors: telnet, ssh, ftp, sftp, and even HTTP/S. 
-- State-of-the-art user experience.
- Additional Context:
-- End users (Clients) can add custom flows.
-- multi-tenancy support is needed as a customer can break down his IT structure to many sub-units.  
-- This is part of a long-term strategy to modernize the ease-of-use of the business.
-- turn-key deployment on remote sites.
-- security is a first-class concern.
-- Current legacy system suffers from peaks of manual interventions.

Theodore Neward

Feb 14, 2019, 7:07:00 PM2/14/19
"Agent-less"? Can you expand a bit more on that?

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Martín Salías

Feb 14, 2019, 7:26:58 PM2/14/19
to architecturalkatas
Hey Hanokh!

It seems interesting, but I would suggest keeping some of the constraints but using a more well-known domain, to avoid the need for explanations. Almost the same ideas might apply to ATMs, or TV set-top boxes, or any kind of consumer device, taking out the specifics of network monitor flows, which I'm not sure is such an important detail.

Generally speaking, katas work best for well-known domains (printing, publishing, social media, consumer goods...) with challenging requirements/constraints (custom logic, multi-tenancy, frequent deployment, perf, etc).

My .02!


Hanokh Aloni

Feb 15, 2019, 6:06:51 AM2/15/19
to ArchitecturalKatas
Well... Although a bit domain-specific it means that your monitoring solution does not require agents to be installed on monitored parts.
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Hanokh Aloni

Feb 15, 2019, 6:19:50 AM2/15/19
to ArchitecturalKatas
Here's version 0.2:

A Smart-TV company would like to write a software to automate as many of the management tasks they can. The company would also like to monitor what TV shows are being watched at a given time, and to manually target content to end-users.
- Users: able to accommodate 200k end users (Smart-TV owners). Dozens of engineers.
- Requirements
-- Engineer can start defining TV channels from remotes.
-- Engineer can see what shows are being watched on all TVs.
-- Engineer could examine the data and try to target content according to end-user behavior or preference.

-- State-of-the-art user experience.
- Additional Context:
-- End users (Clients) can add profile data, preferences, or even stream content into the system.
-- Security is a first-class concern.
-- Current legacy system suffers from manual interventions (current targeting is 100% based on humans).

Martín Salías

Feb 15, 2019, 10:22:58 AM2/15/19
to architecturalkatas
I like it much better!

I think it has all the interesting bits but it is easy to understand the scenario.

Thanks a lot!
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