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Student management system for a Non profit project in India.

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Ruthvik Reddy

Apr 2, 2021, 12:44:35 AM4/2/21
to ArchitecturalKatas

Class management system for a non-profit project we will be launching in India to assist India’s government schools’ teachers. The main effort is to motivate and spread awareness among government school students, usually from India’s poorest sections. This will be done with recorded audio and video material. But we realized that teachers are bombarded with a lot of paperwork that can be automated. Hence, we are also creating a mobile app to help them have more time to dedicate directly to their students.

  • Users: faculty and other administration staff. No student login as the students in rural India usually do not have access to smartphones.

  • Requirements:

    • Admin access for principals to:

      • Manage teachers, students, and reports at the school level

    • Teacher dashboard to:

      • Manage student details, their marks and take attendance at the class level

    • Data needs to be in such a way that the above details can be analyzed at the student, teacher, class, school, and broader levels.

    • Manage from 5000 to 1million students, their teachers, and schools. It might go to even more but, the initial MVP will be limited to less than 50K students.

  • Additional Context:

    • The app should be lightweight on the network and computing on the end-user side as the app will be run on not so powerful smartphones and usually poor internet connection. (3G should be able to run the app. 4G is available widely but is not a guarantee in remote parts of the country.)

    • Offline support and sync when the user is back online are good to have.

    • Any inputs on protocols for security, data privacy are also welcomed.   

Any inputs to improve the above description are welcome.

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