Site outage

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Ted Neward

Mar 10, 2012, 11:23:15 PM3/10/12

For some reason, the architectural katas site is no longer working, and I’m not sure why. I’m going to have a look and see, but just a heads-up in case anyone was looking to use it this weekend or into the early part of next week. (I suspect it’s a DNS issue.)


Ted Neward

Java, .NET, XML Services

Consulting, Teaching, Speaking, Writing



Ted Neward

Mar 10, 2012, 11:30:12 PM3/10/12

Well, now, maybe not. When I just checked it (after I wrote this), it looks like it’s back up and running. Grr.


For anyone who’s really curious to see how it works, it’s stored in a BitBucket Mercurial repository (, so feel free to clone it for yourself, if you wish. The katas themselves are stored as JSON files at the root of the repo (to make for easier editing and extension), and the code (in the code/ folder underneath the root of the repo) contains the static HTML files that make up the website. The katas.html page does a BitBucket REST query against the repo to randomly select one of those JSON files, so the site never has to change code if I add new katas or modify existing ones.


Eventually, I plan to flesh out the katas a bit more (now that I have more than one screen’s worth of PowerPoint to work with) to include more information broken into a few more readable sections, and having the JSON sections will make it easier to structure the HTML (collapsible sections, etc) when it displays it. But that’s a v.Next thing. :-)


Has anybody had any stories (good/bad) using the site so far, or been interested in running one?

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