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My contribution to Katas

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Christoph Krüger

May 4, 2022, 3:40:21 AM5/4/22
to ArchitecturalKatas
Hi guys,
  I must admit I broke the rule. I have facilitated several architectural kata events so far but never submitted one. So here's one (pretty obvious):
Test for Pest
The department for disease control wants to offer a system to safely and securely handle test results nationwide.
  • Users: thousands of test operators, millions of "customers" to be tested, hundreds of government officials, thousands of doctors.
  • Requirements:
    • Customers can schedule a test appointment with a local test operator.
    • Test operators can verify the customers' appointments and personal data on the spot.
    • Test operators can submit the test result.
    • Customers can view their test result.
    • The system can handle tests for different diseases.
    • Local government officials can view the test statistics for their area of responsibility.
    • Department for disease control can view local and nationwide statistics with different prediction models.
    • Local government can contact customers if they submitted an email address or phone number.
    • Doctors can view the customer's test history if customer enabled them.
  • Additional Context
    • The system must be able to react quickly on outbreaks of new diseases and therefore the availability of new test types.
    • Tests are carried out workdays during office hours.
    • The system will potentially be exported to other countries.

Theodore Neward

May 4, 2022, 3:51:24 AM5/4/22
Hey, Christopher; not too long ago, I decided to put all the katas
into a publicly-accessible GitHub repo, so people could propose new
katas using the good ol' PR process. It's now hosted here:

Want to pop it in and send a PR? That way you can be in the repository
for all eternity. :-)

And, maybe someday, if I get really tired of administering the repo
(which is zero time), I can take on some additional owners and it's
not tied entirely to me personally. :-)
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Firoz C

May 4, 2022, 4:47:08 AM5/4/22
Hey Christopher and Theodore,

This is great stuff, many thanks for sharing! I’m relatively new to Katas and look at it as a way to improve my skills, do we also have a repository of solutions to these problems?

> To view this discussion on the web visit

Christoph Krüger

May 4, 2022, 11:36:39 AM5/4/22
to ArchitecturalKatas
Saw the repo, will do a PR...

Christoph Krüger

May 4, 2022, 11:38:59 AM5/4/22
to ArchitecturalKatas
Whenever you facilitate a Kata workshop then you will have a set of solutions. The funny thing is that they will be different every time you do it :-). The audience will decide if the solution is good or bad but there is no default. schrieb am Mittwoch, 4. Mai 2022 um 10:47:08 UTC+2:

Firoz C

May 4, 2022, 4:26:09 PM5/4/22
Agreed. Will be great, if we can save some of the best solutions emerging from these events, it would be helpful for new people like myself :)


Theodore Neward

May 4, 2022, 7:21:18 PM5/4/22
How would you suggest capturing solutions? I’m not opposed to the idea, I just never put much time into figuring out how to do it without imposing a ton of work on the groups.

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