Drupal9weekend: Archipelago in Drupal 9 and Drupal 8 Core SA

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Diego Pino

May 22, 2020, 12:20:39 PM5/22/20
to archipelago commons
Good Day,

If in the US, you are preparing for a long weekend. If not, at least for a 2 day weekend (not bad!) But, in the CMS universe it is also Drupal9 Weekend! As you know if you follow this zine/group,  Archipelago, Strawberryfield and friends were coded since its beginning with Drupal 9 in mind. I feel we have been quite aware and advocates of preparing our upgrade paths inclusive when we lived on the Drupal 7 side of things in other projects and we expect to stay like that! Our code is quite little legacy, but there can be always some creeping functions around so..

Drupal 9 and forward

So what does it mean Drupal9 Weekend? Means People are testing, preparing their code for Drupal 9 which will be released on June 3rd[1]. And since we are proud of being people too, we will prepare our code too because i have coding time/not a single zoom call today, happy me-day!

This are the tasks i will do today
- Check SBF for deprecated code (runs a a script, visual inspection too)
- Fix deprecated code
- Deploy an Archipelago 8.x mix/Drupal 9 salad (Strawberrfields and olive oil dressing)
- Test with real data/objects and workflows and document findings
- Create 9.x-1.0-beta3 branches (notice the beautiful 9.x at the beginning)
- Merge changes and celebrate. 
Monday (maybe can not promise, depends on my energy)
- Document for people as we are all people

Fun (more like dad jokes) aside, we started this process over a year ago, so its quite straight forward. We have added just too much new code and all of those new features could need to be double checked, but our core is fine. Should be fine. We expect it to be fine.

What will come next?

If time permits, full release will happen on 9.x and 8.x at the same time. There is an extra road we have to traverse. We need to make sure that packages and modules we curated also work on Drupal 9.x. That is harder and we will keep everyone informed

Now Drupal 8 Core SA. Security is important.

Check your Module update reports. This is because of https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/releases/8.8.6

If you have an archipelago running you want to keep it secure. Chances are its already secure or even just local, but just in case  (and a chance to learn docker and composer), These are the basic commands to update to Drupal 8.8.6 and also keep your webform modules up:

I will keep there track of any other Security updates in the GitHub issue that, are A) tested and work B) needed

If any of this fails, let/us know, probably you are waaayy behind in your packages or there are other issues. Again, Let us know, we can help. PS: I just tested this in the enormous amount of 5 archipelago repositories and nothing exploded =)

Hugs and stay safe!

Diego Pino

Diego Pino

Jun 24, 2020, 10:56:09 PM6/24/20
to archipelago commons

RE: Drupal 9 , time flies and its always Monday in COVID times. I forgot to notify you people: we totally good, the Drupal (9) gods are happy with our sacrifices. I found some deprecated functions that have been (ritually) replaced and changes will be merged by tomorrow, nothing breaking.
So, next step is: i need to decide if this week's release will be/dare-i-to-make-it Drupal 9? Or i go for the safer 8.9.1 and make a pre pre 9.0 just for testing purposes. So many choices. Decision will be based on testing the other curated modules we provide on our deployment strategy.

That is all. Cheers

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