Hello & happy Halloween everyone!
Please join us for our upcoming Archipelago Workshop Series taking place this early Winter 2022. These workshops will focus on general migration and ingest workflows using the Archipelago Multi Importer (AMI). Each session will include live demonstrations and explanations of different areas of AMI functionality and configurations. Follow up Q+A and use case discussions will take place in our Archipelago Slack channel after each session.
Attendees will need to register for each separate workshop session. You can choose to attend one or more of the sessions.
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvce2hpzsvGdNZpv873x2P0xSjYmsV-f6m
Thank you & hope to see you at these workshops!
Allison Lund
Digital Projects and Metadata Librarian
Metropolitan New York Library Council