We could not contact the IIIF Server at http://localhost:8183/iiif/2

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prashanth b

Dec 21, 2021, 4:37:27 PM12/21/21
to archipelago commons
in  local   deployment we are getting this error , and not showing any images ..

'We could not contact the IIIF Server at http://localhost:8183/iiif/2 with error: cURL error 7: Failed to connect to localhost port 8183: Connection refused (see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html)'



Dec 22, 2021, 9:45:12 AM12/22/21
to archipelago commons
Hi Prashanth, are you using OSX or Linux? What type of Architecture? (x86 or Arm64?)

If linux, did you skip the IIIF cache permissions by any chance (sudo chown -R 100:100 persistent/iiifcache)

The fact that port 8183 is not connecting might be because 
1. The Container did not start, 
2. or because that Port is already taken by another service In your machine.
3. you have a firewall fighting you back

Could you please do a 

docker ps 

(to check if esmero-cantaloupe is running, up time should be similar to the other services)
and then if so/or not so


docker logs -f esmero-cantaloupe 

and check/share that log? you might immediately see some issues there.

If you are on an M1 (OS X) please make sure you used the right docker-compose.yml

Checking on the browser directly  http://localhost:8183 should show at least the Cantaloupe Logo too.

Let us know, https://github.com/esmero/archipelago-deployment is deeply tested so far we had no mayor issues, but each system might add its own particularities to the formula.



prashanth b

Dec 28, 2021, 2:14:31 AM12/28/21
to archipelago commons

Hi Diego,
Solved by setting up IP address instead of localhost in IIIF Server.
we are using  ubuntu server 20.04 LTS,  it is  on-premises server .. we have to use outside server on different PCs. 
we are exploring different options  .. your guides required..  
1. How we can Upload without moving objects from present folder structure.. which are stored on local storage servers . (max each file size 150GB -200GB ).
   i. And we like to sync simultaneously with AWS S3 Glacier storage has a backup .
2. With exif tool if we can able to write some metadata (which are not present on objects) to images, and videos, etc. it will be good option .
3. Options for Conservators - paper and other materials.
4. Like to See workshop on Multisite - Multisite server, Multisite  IIF. Multisite Storage like Local - AWS - and other at same time updating and backing up things.. for multiple organizations..
5. Any  Computer Vision  features for Images and Videos.
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