[Archetype JavaScript Framework] 0.9.3 is available !

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Feb 9, 2009, 5:13:58 AM2/9/09
to archety...@googlegroups.com
Download it !


- Removed Prototype 1.5 from the tree (Archetype won't work without special fixes for it, maybe available again since 0.10 series)
- Removed regextemplate (compatibility break ! Please use Trimpath, EJS or Domtal instead)
- Passed addJS logging from debug to log level
- Removed some backward compatibility aliases (may lead to a compatibility break if you use deprecated aliases)
- Now handles aPath as plain url by default rather than module (=no more need to escape "." in aPath URLs)
- Corrected some loading bug with a default option to asynchronous=true (synchronous is evil here :P)
- Now get templates from server using "get" method (see AJF-66)
- Updated the tutorial

** Bug
* [AJF-65] - Recursive rPath redirection infinite loop
* [AJF-67] - Tutorial is not accurate and doesn't work

** Improvement
* [AJF-66] - Archetype doesn't respect REST architecture for downloading templates

Futur release

We are now in the documenting & site improving phase for the 0.10.0. This release is scheduled for next week :)

Envoyé par TeMs@ dans Archetype JavaScript Framework le 2/09/2009 12:06:00 PM
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