register and present resource information in multiple languages

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Mar 15, 2021, 4:50:11 AM3/15/21
to Arches Project


I would like to register and present resource information in multiple languages using CIDOC-CRM and the improved support for localization starting with Arches 5.1

I built the model with the following structure:

Resource Model (E18 Physical thing)
|__ Resource Name (E41 Appellation)
          |__ Language (E33 Linguistic Object)
                     |__Language Type (E56 Language)

"Resource Name" has the data type "string". For the "Language Type" I assign the data type "concept" and select the "language" collection from the "Reference Data Manager".

Resource Model is added with names in corresponding languages.

Expected output:
Searching for resource name defined in language A while having selected the locale A gives back the name in language A.

Real output:
Searching for resource name defined in language A while having selected the locale A gives back the name in the language it was first created in.

Does my approach make sense? What am I missing? Is there a better solution to achieve the described goal?

Many thanks for your help,

Dennis Wuthrich

Mar 16, 2021, 6:03:58 PM3/16/21
to Arches Project
Hi Anjo,

With 5.1, search does not automatically use the "location" language to return results.   We are currently thinking about extending multi-language support to search (and to string nodes) to better match your expected result.  There is a growing desire among Arches users to fully support multiple languages, and if this effort is funded we hope that users like you will share their use cases for working with multi-lingual data.


Mar 17, 2021, 1:38:37 PM3/17/21
to Arches Project
Hi Dennis,

Many thanks for your reply and many thanks for all the great work.
Apart from representing the search results names, multi-language seems to work very nicely with everything that can fit into thesauri of the Reference Data Manager. But of course, that is not applicable for all attributes.

In the regions where I am active, multi-language support is a requirement, and many projects cannot be implemented without that feature. I understand funding such requests is important. Are there procedures for voting on feature requests, getting feedback on the financial needs, and crowdsourcing funding and other means of contributions?

With regards to multi-language support being implemented in the future: What are the recommendations for building resource models to increase the chance of feature-compatibility.

Many thanks,

PS: Although I am not a developer, I would like to contribute to the project regularly in the future. I would appreciate any advice from you and the community in that direction.

Dennis Wuthrich

Mar 18, 2021, 11:50:21 AM3/18/21
to Arches Project
Hi Anjo,

Great questions concerning proposing new features for Arches.  At the moment, there aren't any formal procedures for voting on features, and funding/crowdsourcing is done in an informal way.  But, we are working on a process for making it easier for members of the community to participate in setting the roadmap for Arches features.  

As for recommendations for modeling, we don't have any yet.  But it would be great to hear use cases for multiple language support from the community so that we can start thinking about modeling implications.



Alexei Peters

Mar 18, 2021, 6:17:39 PM3/18/21
to, Arches Project
Hi Anjo,
As for your question about contributing to the project please see the documentation found here:
Hopefully that points you in the right direction.

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Mar 22, 2021, 1:56:09 PM3/22/21
to Arches Project
Hi Dennis,

It sounds like there is a lot of great progress going on.

Let me know if I can be of any help regarding the use cases. Indeed, it would be interesting and helpful to discover different approaches and requirements for multi-language projects.

Wish you a great week,

Mar 22, 2021, 2:02:02 PM3/22/21
to Arches Project
Hi Alexei,

Many thanks. I will explore if there is something useful I can contribute to the documentation.

Best wishes,
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