Arches Community Forums formerly hosted on Google Groups are now hosted at https://community.archesprojec
Please check out our community forum there!
Welcome to the Arches Project Forum. Here you will find community-based support for the Arches open-source platform for cultural heritage data management. You can ask questions, help answer community questions, share ideas, raise issues and more. To join the forum, click this link to the Arches Project Google Group and select ‘Join Group’. When you have joined, please take a moment to read and reply to the 'Signing in' thread and to introduce yourself to the group.
If you are a developer or generally interested in Arches software development, you can also join the Arches Development Forum. There you will find updates on software development status and general development topics. To join, click this link to the Arches Development Google Group and select ‘Join Group’.
Basic Forum Rules
· Please keep posts to topics related to the Arches platform, or of particular interest to the Arches community.
· No advertising or spamming.
· No attacks on other posters.
· No attacks on other people.
· No reproduction of personal communication (without prior consent).
· All participants are required to declare their interests up front when participating in discussions directly affecting them or their company.
Note for new members: to prevent spam on the Arches Project Forum, the first post of all new members will be reviewed by the forum moderator. If you post on a Saturday or Sunday, it can take up-to 48 hours for the first post to be reviewed and approved. Thank you for your understanding!
Unless specifically noted, the views expressed here are not the views of the Arches project, but are rather the personal views of the individual posters. Moderators may move, remove or lock threads, if it is felt a post violates these rules. Find more info here: Arches Community Code of Conduct
Visit the Arches Project website and find Arches Project on GitHub.