Instructables Build Nights - What would you like to see?

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Gene J. (GeekTinker)

Jun 16, 2014, 4:14:44 PM6/16/14
Arch Reactor is on the list to receive invitations to Build Nights through  As seen in previous messages, I recently submitted Arch Reactor for the Instructables Dremel Build Night in July and we were chosen as one of the participants. I have submitted us for a secondary build night in July for thousands of LEDs, but have not yet completed the selection process.

Today, I was able to participate in a Google Hangout with Carley Jacobson and the representatives of a handful of other hackerspaces. The purpose was to brainstorm ways to make the Build Nights and the process for them better.  Some really good information was given out and some very good suggestions were made for Instructables. 

For those of you who have participated in an Instructable Build Night in the past, have written Instructables for Arch Reactor on, or anyone who would like to participate in future Instructables Build Nights, I would ask that you provide any feedback to me here and then I can pass that on to Carley via email.  One suggestion was to offer a t-shirt and/or pro-membership on Instructables for any hackerspace member that created an Instructable related to the build night.  It was discussed that other prizes might become available for the hackerspace that is chosen to have created the best Instructable for a particular build night.

So, in your own opinion, how can Instructable Build Nights be a better experience?

Chris Weiss

Jun 16, 2014, 4:55:35 PM6/16/14
awesome news Gene, thanks for taking that on.

being able to tag the specific build night, which would make it easier for them track our submissions as well as make it easier for us to manage making sure we get credit.  Also bringing back "groups" or some similar tagging method would add some exposure.

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