iDEN Network Shutting Down - Other uses for an iDEN phone?

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Jan 26, 2013, 1:17:22 PM1/26/13
Bottom Line Question:
I have a Motorola i415 (has GPS) iDEN phone that would be nice to repurpose rather than fill a landfill. Anyone have experience with iDEN phones? The network is going away in June 2013 and it seems like this unit could be used to do something else. 

Since seeing an article in MAKE in probably the very first issue, I have been a BoostMobile subscriber due to the fact that this phone could have JavaME apps loaded on to it (first phone app store?), had GPS, and someone created an app that would report your location (MoloGoGo), as well as show your position on a map.

I seem to recall HowardForums having much information on the subject back then, and if I could track down my original account, I would be scouring the forum right now. I hate creating new accounts. Anyway, my question is above.

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