pi python install question

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Vince Laurent

2021年10月23日 晚上7:52:442021/10/23
收件者:Arch Reactor
I am looking to upgrade python on my pi and am trying to follow the instructions here:

The issue I have is that it looks like it installs/sets up 1 directory deeper from where you download the tar ball.  Since I have downloads got /tmp  I really don't want python to be installed at /tmp/python ...   

Is there a 'standard' place or way to install it elsewhere?

p.s.  I have LOTS of Linux questions coming so be prepared.

Chris Weiss

2021年10月23日 晚上8:16:062021/10/23
收件者:Arch Reactor
I think you're referring to the part that extracts the source code archive.  

the make altinstall command is what runs the install process, and that should put it in /usr with everything else

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Vince Laurent

2021年10月23日 晚上9:49:052021/10/23
收件者:Arch Reactor
Thanks.  But the update broke pip... and now I am lost again.  I suspect THIS stuff is why most mainstream folks stay away from Linux.  I am going to reinitialize my pi and try working through this again https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2021/monitor-your-internet-raspberry-pi

Wish there was a local group/person that I could ask a lot of questions while trying this vs restarting from scratch over and over...


Robert Ward

2021年10月24日 上午10:05:542021/10/24
I don’t know much about python specifically, but it’s generally bad practice to replace python or other interpreters with a version that isn’t from the system package manager (apt, yum, etc).  Many different bits of the operating system may rely on having the “standard” version installed and replacing it can cause problems.

If you need to run a different version of python for a project you’re working on, I would look at Pyenv, as it will allow you to run multiple versions side by side.

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