T-Shirt Order Reminder - Ending WED 09/27

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Director Of Public Relations

Sep 24, 2023, 12:46:54 PM9/24/23
to Arch Reactor
We are coming down to the last few days. So one last reminder.

If you would like a T-Shirt We are taking Orders until 7pm on Sept 27th. We are using this as a small Fundraiser and are asking 20$ per shirt.

You Do not have to Pay in advance But If you would like to you can do so with Paypal / Venmo / Cash / check

Regardless of if you are paying in advance or not, We have a Form you can use to tell us what Size(s) and what Color(s) you would like your shirt(s) to be. Please Reach out Directly to me to get that link, Or Visit the Discord Board to use the link there.

We will pick up a small selection of additional shirts to have for new members if they would like, or for older members to get after the fact. And the intent is to have these in hand By the OCT Open House (Birthday Party)

If you would like to see the Recent conversations that lead up to this check out the ⁠new-tshirt-discussion Channel.
AR Shirt basic.png
shirt colors 3.jpg
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