Dirty Santa rules

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Tom Blevins

Dec 17, 2017, 8:53:47 PM12/17/17
to Arch Reactor
from Deech  in 2015

Though, our version of the game is more like "Dirty Santa" than "White
Elephant", but nobody knows what "Dirty Santa" is and could possibly end up
a completely different party.
1. Everyone brings a gift, around $20. Remember that nobody likes putting
in something nice and leaving with something crappy, so if you want to toss
in a gag, that's fine, but try not to make it totally disappointing.
2. Presents are all piled up. Everyone draws a number from a hat.
3. Lowest number goes first and gets a present from the pile. This is Dirty
Santa, so you don't open it yet.
4. Next lowest number goes next and can chose to take a present from the
pile or steal a present from someone else.
5. After everyone has gone, there is a second round of trades. You can
either keep what you have or trade your package for someone else's,
starting from the lowest number and going to the highest.
6. For this year, there are no limits on how many times a package can be
stolen in total. However, a present can not be stolen multiple times during
the same turn. A turn doesn't end until you move to the next players
7. After the second round, everybody takes turns opening their present.
Once opened, trading and bartering is encouraged.
Play example:
Players all draw, Joe gets #1.
Joe takes Present A.
Derek drew #2 and takes Present B from the pile.
Deech goes next with #3 and steals Present B from Derek.
Derek steals Present A from Joe.
Since we're still on turn #3, Joe can not take Present B from Deech and
must pull Present C from the pile.
Play passes to Mike with #4. Since it's now a new turn, Mike steals Present
B from Deech who steals present A from Derek who takes a new present from
the pile as he doesn't want Present C from Joe.
And so on.

Derek S and Bob S will not be in attendance.
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