Soliciting Advice : Host Accessible Through SMB; Want Automated Access

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Dec 8, 2012, 11:58:51 AM12/8/12
It appears that when Canon provides a Compact Flash card slot on one of their low cost multifunction printers (I own an MX870), they provide the ability for the device to be a host on your local network. I find the ability to scan documents on one of these units where I want to put it and then be able to access the documents later for archive or whatever, useful.

My dilemma is, I am using an OS (Mac OS X, 10.8) that recently revamped its SMB client (as I recall), and now my ability to access that same host through SMB has broken.

I own various Pogoplug devices and USB flash memory drives. I have always wanted the ability for that host's files (the Canon MX870) to be backed up or duplicated on the filesystem of the Pogoplug.

I know that Cloud Engines (maker of Pogoplug) has a solution, but the only one I have seen requires another machine (Windows or Mac) to be left continuously running. I don't want that.

I am open to installing whatever OS makes sense on the Pogoplug.

Please let me know if I can clarify anything.


Dec 8, 2012, 12:24:04 PM12/8/12
I would like to add, I have multiple OS X, 10.8 clients in the home. Being able to access these files from each of these clients is necessary. 

Chris Weiss

Dec 8, 2012, 12:44:28 PM12/8/12
not familiar with pogoplug, but if you can get a shell on it and get
smbclient and cron to work, you can make this happen.
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