Pond Chemistry

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2018年5月18日 下午1:08:362018/5/18
收件者:Aquarium pumps

Pond Alkalinity Graph If your GH is low this can be a problem (with a stable pH) during the hours of the day when photosynthesis is high, even with an adequate KH.
It is possible in a pond with heavy plant growth and/or high algae growth WITHOUT adequate water hardness (GH), for aquarium chemistry to become problematic due to increased photosynthesis. So either the reduction of algae and/or an increase in minerals to aid GH is important if GH, pH, or KH are problematic.

Sea Lab 1 kilogram for pond useProducts such as Wonder Shells (or Sea-Lab for larger ponds) can help with supplying essential mineral cations as well as oxidative stress/poor osmoregulation, ammonia, & stress from transfer.
Quite bluntly, these are a MUST USE product for any serious pond keeper

Product Resource: Wonder Shells/Sea-Lab; Pond, Aquarium Mineral Blocks, Unique version ONLY available at AAP

Greg H.

2018年5月24日 中午12:39:252018/5/24
收件者:Aquarium pumps
This is the article I refer my pond customers to read!!

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