You should be able to see in the Raspberry aprx logs to what aprs server you are connected. You can then go th the site of the server and see if your call shows up with no strange settings. Or you can watch real time:
first kiIll the aprx process
killall aprx
then restart manually from the command line with
aprx -ddv
Note that the ports differ. 14501 is to look uop your aprs server you are connected to with a browser whereas aprx uses port 14580
Here are my settings:
mycall PA0ESH-10
myloc lat 5215.52N lon 00645.48E
server # use rotate, i used my server to show the test
passcode XXXXX
filter a/52.53083/06.34767/52.12633/07.226667 # i only look for signals from a specified area
heartbeat-timeout 1m
Hope you get it working...
Erik, PA0ESH