I now have control of my beacon timing

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Bill Arthur

Jul 29, 2022, 6:55:10 PM7/29/22
to Aprx software
To make a long story short, I found a way to choose what time a beacon goes out within a beacon cycle.
For example, I have a weather beacon go out every 10 minutes, it is followed one minute later by a position beacon and then there are eight minutes of no beacons. I do it by sending phantom beacons to the null-device. It is more easily explained by sharing parts of my aprx.conf
Here I've added an additional interface to transmit to:
null-device N0CALL-1
tx-ok true
Then I add phantom beacons to increment the time within a beacon group.
cycle-size 11m
beaconmode both
beacon interface $mycall dstcall APRS via WIDE1-1 file /var/tmp/aprx_wx.txt
beacon interface $mycall via WIDE1-1 symbol "I#" $myloc comment "Hickman County TN - Digipeater IGate & Wx  !SN!"
beacon interface N0CALL-1 via NOGATE file /var/tmp/aprx_wx.txt
beacon interface N0CALL-1 via NOGATE file /var/tmp/aprx_wx.txt
beacon interface N0CALL-1 via NOGATE file /var/tmp/aprx_wx.txt
beacon interface N0CALL-1 via NOGATE file /var/tmp/aprx_wx.txt
beacon interface N0CALL-1 via NOGATE file /var/tmp/aprx_wx.txt
beacon interface N0CALL-1 via NOGATE file /var/tmp/aprx_wx.txt
beacon interface N0CALL-1 via NOGATE file /var/tmp/aprx_wx.txt
beacon interface N0CALL-1 via NOGATE file /var/tmp/aprx_wx.txt

Please let me know if this makes sense, or ask any questions.

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