TNC-X failing on Raspberry Pi 3 and APRX

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Bradley Davy

Jun 15, 2016, 11:41:53 AM6/15/16
to Aprx software
Hoping I can find the right expert that can tell me what I'm doing wrong. I recently purchase the Raspberry Pi 3, installed the Raspbian operating system, installed the APRX software (aprx_2.08.593-1_armhf.deb).  Plugged in the TNC-X to a USB port.  The raspberry recognizes the TNC-X as usb-Coastal_ChipWorks_TNC-X_by_W2FS_FTWWY120-IF00-prt().

I edited the aprx.conf file to (comment lines deleted for space)

mycall  KC3BHK-1
myloc lat 3924.43N lon 07726.59W
passcode *****
pidfile /var/run/
rflog /var/log/aprx/aprx-rf.log
aprxlog /var/log/aprx/aprx.log
   serial-device /dev/ttyUSB0  19200 8n1    KISS
        timeout 2m
 beacon interface $mycall   symbol "R&" $myloc \
                        comment "Rx-only iGate"

When I run the APRX program as the root, using the -dv options, I get the following:
root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# aprx -dv
interface_store() aif->callsign = 'APRSIS'
/etc/aprx.conf:33: MYCALL = 'KC3BHK-1' ''
/etc/aprx.conf:40: MYLOC LAT 39.40717 degrees  LON -77.44317 degrees
/etc/aprx.conf:54: INFO: PASSCODE = '*****' ''
/etc/aprx.conf:66: INFO: SERVER = '':'14580'
/etc/aprx.conf:99: INFO: PIDFILE = '/var/run/' ''
/etc/aprx.conf:106: INFO: RFLOG = '/var/log/aprx/aprx-rf.log' ''
/etc/aprx.conf:113: INFO: APRXLOG = '/var/log/aprx/aprx.log' ''
.. new style serial:  '/dev/ttyUSB0' '19200 8n1    KISS'.. tncid=0
 .. param='19200' .. param='8n1' .. param='kiss'
openpty() rc=0 name='/dev/pts/1' master=4 slave=5
 .. store tty subinterfaces
 .. store interface[0] callsign='KC3BHK-1'
interface_store() aif->callsign = 'KC3BHK-1'
BEACON parameters:
/etc/aprx.conf:286 ERROR: beacon interface 'KC3BHK-1' that is not a TX capable interface.
<beacon> set 1 defined with 0 entries
2016-06-15 15:29:00.551 APRX start
2735    TTY /dev/ttyUSB0 OPEN - fd=7 - OK
2016-06-15 15:29:00.555 TTY /dev/ttyUSB0 Opened.
erlang_timer_init() to be called
erlang_timer_init() to be called

The beacon_postpoll() continues until I ^c out of the program.  No packets show up in any of the log files, no packets are gated to APRS-FI.  There is a lot of packet activity in my area, and the TNC-X works fine on my Windows 10 machine under APRSISCE32.  I'm at my wits end.  Anyone have any advice?


Jun 15, 2016, 2:06:19 PM6/15/16
to Aprx software
I think you need to add this line to your conf file interface section:

   serial-device /dev/ttyUSB0  19200 8n1    KISS
        tx-ok true #this enables tx on this port <-------------
        timeout 2m

Hope that helps


On Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at 10:41:53 AM UTC-5, Bradley Davy wrote:
Hoping I can find the right expert that can tell me what I'm doing wrong. I recently purchase the Raspberry Pi 3, installed the Raspbian operating system, installed the APRX software (aprx_2.08.593-1_armhf.deb).  Plugged in the TNC-X to a USB port.  The raspberry recognizes the TNC-X as usb-Coastal_ChipWorks_TNC-X_by_W2FS_FTWWY120-IF00-prt().

I edited the aprx.conf file to (comment lines deleted for space)

mycall  KC3BHK-1
myloc lat 3924.43N lon 07726.59W
passcode *****
pidfile /var/run/
rflog /var/log/aprx/aprx-rf.log
aprxlog /var/log/aprx/aprx.log
   serial-device /dev/ttyUSB0  19200 8n1    KISS
        timeout 2m
 beacon interface $mycall   symbol "R&" $myloc \
                        comment "Rx-only iGate"

When I run the APRX program as the root, using the -dv options, I get the following:

Bradley Davy

Jun 15, 2016, 5:09:44 PM6/15/16
to Aprx software
Added that line, and the only difference is that now the beacon is getting over the internet to APRS.FI.  Still not getting packets from RF to the RPi.  Here's the output: Note that there was NO RF transmission through the TNC-X.

interface_store() aif->callsign = 'APRSIS'
/etc/aprx.conf:33: MYCALL = 'KC3BHK-1' ''
/etc/aprx.conf:40: MYLOC LAT 39.40717 degrees  LON -77.44317 degrees
/etc/aprx.conf:54: INFO: PASSCODE = '*****' ''
/etc/aprx.conf:66: INFO: SERVER = '':'14580'
/etc/aprx.conf:99: INFO: PIDFILE = '/var/run/' ''
/etc/aprx.conf:106: INFO: RFLOG = '/var/log/aprx/aprx-rf.log' ''
/etc/aprx.conf:113: INFO: APRXLOG = '/var/log/aprx/aprx.log' ''
.. new style serial:  '/dev/ttyUSB0' '19200 8n1    KISS'.. tncid=0
 .. param='19200' .. param='8n1' .. param='kiss'
openpty() rc=0 name='/dev/pts/0' master=4 slave=5

 .. store tty subinterfaces
 .. store interface[0] callsign='KC3BHK-1'
interface_store() aif->callsign = 'KC3BHK-1'
BEACON parameters: interface 'KC3BHK-1' symbol 'R&' comment 'Rx-only iGate'
RF+NET BEACON FOR ***>APRX28'  '!3924.43NR07726.59W&Rx-only iGate'
<beacon> set 1 defined with 1 entries
2016-06-15 20:54:44.379 APRX start
493     TTY /dev/ttyUSB0 OPEN - fd=7 - OK
2016-06-15 20:54:44.381 TTY /dev/ttyUSB0 Opened.
beacons cycle: 20.00 minutes, increment: 20.00 minutes
beacons offset: 18.18 minutes

erlang_timer_init() to be called
beacons cycle: 20.00 minutes, increment: 20.00 minutes
beacons offset: 18.50 minutes

erlang_timer_init() to be called
2016-06-15 20:54:55.230 CONNECT APRSIS

beacons cycle: 20.00 minutes, increment: 20.00 minutes
beacons offset: 19.65 minutes
BEACON: idx=0, nexttime= +1179 sec
523     Now beaconing to APRSIS KC3BHK-1 'KC3BHK-1>APRX28,TCPIP*' -> '!3924.43NR07726.59W&Rx-only iGate', next beacon in 19.65 minutes
523     Now beaconing to interface[1] KC3BHK-1(KC3BHK-1) '' -> '!3924.43NR07726.59W&Rx-only iGate', next beacon in 19.65 minutes
interface_transmit_beacon() aif=0x1ead408, aif->txok=1 aif->callsign='KC3BHK-1'
interface_transmit_ax25(aif=0x1ead408[KC3BHK-1], .., axlen=49)
kiss_kisswrite(->KC3BHK-1, axlen=49) .. put 52 bytes of KISS frame on IO buffer

Kenneth Finnegan

Jun 15, 2016, 5:38:08 PM6/15/16
What serial port speed do you have the TNC-X configured to?

Do you see anything coming from the TNC if you open the serial port with any other application? (Minicom, putty, etc)

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Bradley Davy

Jun 15, 2016, 7:39:32 PM6/15/16
to Aprx software
Serial port (usb) is set to 9600.  Not sure how to open the seral port with other applications.  Installed Minicom, but not sure what to do with it to query the TNC. 


Kenneth Finnegan

Jun 15, 2016, 8:01:21 PM6/15/16
If you've got the USB serial port set to 9600, then your serial-device line is wrong. The third field is the baud rate, so this might be the smoking gun as far as your issue. Try this in your interface block:
serial-device /dev/ttyUSB0  9600 8n1    KISS

I still haven't found a tutorial online for using minicom that I like. This may be one of the less bad ones?

Bradley Davy

Jun 15, 2016, 9:55:37 PM6/15/16
to Aprx software
Thanks for seeing that error, but alas, no joy.  I've tried that setting at 1200, 9600, 19200.  Same result every time.  The TNC-X is decoding packets because I see the yellow diode come on, and like I previously said, it works perfectly when connected to my windows laptop.  I just can't get the Raspberry Pi to get the data.  At this point, I'm wondering if its a voltage problem on the pins.  I've ordered the TNC-pi 2, but will keep messing with the TNC-X until that arrives.


Kenneth Finnegan

Jun 16, 2016, 12:08:33 PM6/16/16
I don't understand where your theory of voltage problems would come in when using a USB connection.

Have you confirmed that /dev/ttyUSB0 is the correct device for the TNC-X's serial port? What does "dmesg" say when you run it from a terminal after you plug in the TNC-X?

If I recall correctly, the TNC-X is a KISS-only device, so it not being in KISS mode is probably not the issue.

Jeremy Utley

Jun 16, 2016, 12:44:59 PM6/16/16

With the R-Pi, the USB bus can, in certain circumstances, have some pretty heavy voltage fluctuations – it depends on what you are using as a power supply for the Pi, and how many devices are drawing power from the USB bus.


OP, if you have not yet tried, look into getting a powered USB hub for your Pi, and connect your TNC-X to that instead.  This should stabilize the power.  However, for the Pi, I highly recommend the TNC-Pi instead – I have one running my APRS I-gate/Digi, and it works like a dream!


Jeremy, NQ0M.


From: [] On Behalf Of Kenneth Finnegan
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Aprx] TNC-X failing on Raspberry Pi 3 and APRX


I don't understand where your theory of voltage problems would come in when using a USB connection.


Have you confirmed that /dev/ttyUSB0 is the correct device for the TNC-X's serial port? What does "dmesg" say when you run it from a terminal after you plug in the TNC-X?


If I recall correctly, the TNC-X is a KISS-only device, so it not being in KISS mode is probably not the issue.



Bradley Davy

Jun 16, 2016, 1:50:26 PM6/16/16
to Aprx software
I'm using a 2A power supply that came with the kit.  I will try the powered USB hub, just to see if that makes a difference.  I don't know how sensitive the TNC-X is overall to lower voltages.  I do know that USB devices are supposed to operate with 5V, and I don't know if the Pi-3 is capable of supply clean 5 volts.  The only device drawing power is the TNC-X. Unfortunately, I don't have an o-scope to trace the serial signals between the RPi and the TNC.  TNC-Pi shipped today from Coastal Chipworks.  Hopefully have it by Monday.  In the meantime I will be making an interface cable.  Just have to figure out if I want to mess with the 9 pin DIN or just solder to the TNC-Pi.


Tim Billingsley

Jun 16, 2016, 1:51:36 PM6/16/16

On Jun 16, 2016 11:44, "Jeremy Utley" <> wrote:
> With the R-Pi, the USB bus can, in certain circumstances, have some pretty heavy voltage fluctuations – it depends on what you are using as a power supply for the Pi, and how many devices are drawing power from the USB bus.

Very true. I ran into this previously with a Pi2

Bradley Davy

Jun 16, 2016, 9:20:36 PM6/16/16
to Aprx software
Ok.  The problem has been isolated and fixed.  It wasn't a voltage problem, it wasn't a driver problem, it wasn't a connection problem.  It was an I D Ten T error by the operator!  Looking at the manual for the TNC-X today, I reread the setup and configuration instructions, and realized, I still had the jumper for the port speed set in the default position (1200) and hadn't actually tried the 1200 setting in the aprx.config file.  Changed the port speed to 1200, started it up with -dv, and VIOLA!  Works like a charm.  Now on to the next step of getting it to start on boot, and get the external antenna on the house.

Thanks for everyone that helped!  As I figured, it was something simple that I was missing.


Jeremy Utley

Jun 16, 2016, 9:47:20 PM6/16/16

Glad to hear it!  Those ID-10-T errors are a pain in the neck aren’t they?  At least the magic smoke isn’t all gone!


For starting up – if you get the pre-made deb files for APRX from, it includes an init script you can activate with a simple update-rc.d command:


You can install it with a simple dpkg -i command.


Jeremy, NQ0M


From: [] On Behalf Of Bradley Davy
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 8:21 PM
To: Aprx software <>
Subject: Re: [Aprx] TNC-X failing on Raspberry Pi 3 and APRX


Ok.  The problem has been isolated and fixed.  It wasn't a voltage problem, it wasn't a driver problem, it wasn't a connection problem.  It was an I D Ten T error by the operator!  Looking at the manual for the TNC-X today, I reread the setup and configuration instructions, and realized, I still had the jumper for the port speed set in the default position (1200) and hadn't actually tried the 1200 setting in the aprx.config file.  Changed the port speed to 1200, started it up with -dv, and VIOLA!  Works like a charm.  Now on to the next step of getting it to start on boot, and get the external antenna on the house.


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