picowx – An aprs.fi powered RPi Pico-W eInk Weather Station

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David Singleton

Aug 15, 2024, 2:42:15 AMAug 15
to aprs.fi
Hi folks,

As requested on the API docs page, I'm letting you know about this little device I built which uses the aprs.fi API since I have published the code on Github.

You can read more about it here:

Code and setup instructions here:

I've followed the API terms carefully - it doesn't poll for updates, but requires a key press from the user to update and also sends a descriptive User-Agent. I've also credited aprs.fi in the docs and user experience.

I'm a huge fan of aprs.fi and love the simplicity of the API. Thank you all for running the site and/or contributing WX data! Hope you like the project.

Do let me know if you have any feedback or questions!

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