AppToMarket Tablet Compatibility to Google Play

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Houston Hilton

May 29, 2013, 2:49:12 PM5/29/13

I have a question: I am currently using App Inventor to develop apps and so far I've been successful at publishing them to the market using AppToMarket. However, I am unable to make them available for Tablets to download them from Google Play. The Developer Console keeps tellling me that I have to "optimize the app for tablets," showing all these issues and such, which I've tried to fix:

Your APK needs to meet the following criteria:

Uses available screen space on 10” tablets. Learn more

Target and minimum Android versions support tablets (check targetSdkVersion and minSdkVersion). Learn more

Supports common tablet screen sizes (LARGE and XLARGE). Learn more

Includes custom drawables and assets for common tablet screen densities. Learn more

Is there any workaround for this? Thanks in advance!

Claus Wøbbe

Jul 31, 2013, 6:43:26 AM7/31/13
Hi Houston
Did you ever get answers to your questions? I, too, am a bit puzzled. I think AppToMarket can solve this issue, but I'm unsure if AppToMarket is up to date?! AppToMarket talks about generating certificate files and signing your app, but I haven't found this necessary at all by just uploading the app to Google Play?!

So, if you use AppToMarket, will Google Play accept you app, signed with a certificate file??

J Martin Grännsjö

Apr 15, 2014, 11:56:44 AM4/15/14
Did anyone solve the App Inventor Tablet "support" vs Google Play? AppToMarket fix the two first errors, but not the last one with drawable assets. Do anyone know how to "include" drawable assets in a App Inventor APK, so it works for Tablet on Google Play? (See the yellow marking on the picture) :)

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