The demonstration will take place in the Bio-energy lab next
to the Energy Efficient House from 9am through the afternoon
on September 15th. Dusty (Director of Sales) and Teiwaz
(head of Power Pallet commissioning at APL) will be the
individuals onsite for the demo (as well as previous week
commissioning and training UMY staff). The plan is to run
various local fuels, and generally teach the gathered how
the Power Pallet works. There will be adequate time to
explore specific AR questions with Dusty during and after
the program.
The address is for the demo.
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
jl. Lingkar Barat Tamantirto, Kasihan
Yogyakarta 55182.
If you would like to join us, please RSVP to ""
or directly to brian at "".
Dusty is out of the office until the day before he gets
on the plane, but others in the sales group can help
with coordination.
Fall Workshop at APL
We've set the date for the fall workshop weekend at
APL as Friday-Sunday, Oct 12-14. As usual, many things
will happen-- the specifics of which we are not yet sure
of (other than the date). Many of you have been asking
for a date, so we thought we should oblige. Specifics
on date activities will come soon (right after Burning
Man, to which everyone seems to be leaving the building
for at the moment) (confused, see
As usual, if you are coming from overseas, we're glad
to provide visa support letters, and otherwise help to
arrange logistics. You can direct questions and RSVPs
to "".
The workshop is free for GEK or Power Pallet owners.
Otherwise the weekend is $125 per person.
September Open House
Our monthly open house series continues at APL on
Friday, September 14th, 5-7pm. All interested are
invited to come tour our facility, eat our pizza and
drink our beer, and see a Power Pallet run. If you
plan to join us, please RSVP to "".
We hope to see you soon, at one of the above