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RSVP for Oct 1 - Apple Recap plus free iPhone cases, screen protectors, etc

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Todd Bernhard

Sep 27, 2019, 6:21:26 AM9/27/19
to App Rochester
October 1st will be here sooner than you think… please RSVP. We’ll have a TON of free iPhone cases and screen protectors to give out!


Oct 1: Recap of Apple’s September Announcement

In September, Apple announced their new lineup of iPhones, iPad, Apple Watch and had news about Apple TV+ and Apple Card. Join us as we discuss the new features, pros and cons and impressions. We will have numerous cases for the new iPhones to hand out, for free!

Todd Bernhard, Product Marketing Director at CloudCheckr

Note: App Rochester now meets at CloudCheckr!

CloudCheckr is in the newer concrete buildings in the Northeast area of the Village Gate, backing up to the railroad tracks. The door may be closed/locked, especially in bad weather, once the meetings start, so call/text Todd at 585-230-7117 if you need to be let in. Please be patient if the meeting has already started.

Register Now

Remember, meetings are now held at CloudCheckr, 342 North Goodman. Details below. Please RSVP at so we know how much pizza/soda to order. Thanks!
342 North Goodman
Rochester, NY 14607
CloudCheckr is in the newer concrete buildings in the Northeast area of the Village Gate, backing up to the railroad tracks.
The door may be closed/locked, especially in bad weather, once the meetings start, so call/text Todd at 585-230-7117 if you need to be let in. Please be patient if the meeting has already started.
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