interview experience, what a group interview's like, how I did, etc

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olivia norman

Apr 27, 2010, 10:53:43 PM4/27/10
Hi Gang!
So I just got home from my interview. It was a lot of fun, and time will tell whether I got a callback. I should know in 48 hours. The only potential problem is that training for this store will take place when I am away getting my new dog, so I am not sure what will happen regarding that, I asked if it put me out of the running and was told no.
Here's what happened:
We were asked to partner with the person next to us and introduce them to the group. This was a very interesting exercise, and I think it went well for me. Next, we watched a movie about working in apple retail stores around the world, and after that we had a question and answer session. When that was finished, we broke out into smaller groups and talked about why we wanted to work for apple, what technology and products we used, and finally we filled out a form with our availibity, etc. That was when I learned the training for the new store was while I will be out of town, so I was really upset, though I hope I didn't show it to much. :)
Interestingly, I was the only person who owned an iPad, so I offered to pass it around, and thee guy running the session, Glen, said, "Now, that's a good example of promotion." Everyone laughed.
So I don't know how I did or what I can do about my scheduling conflict, time will tell and I will keep everyone posted! Now, I must go to bed I am totally exhausted!

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower", Steve Jobs

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Russell Solowoniuk

Apr 27, 2010, 11:29:41 PM4/27/10
Wow Olivia! That sounds like an interesting interview! A good experience whether you get the job or not... of course, we all hope you do!! <smile>


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