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olivia norman

Apr 24, 2010, 8:33:29 PM4/24/10
S I have my interview on Tuesday. I've filled out my employment application, and am all ready. Wish me luck on Tuesday! I really hope I am fortunate and qualified enough to work for the company I love so much! I will let you all know how it goes!

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower", Steve Jobs

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Russell Solowoniuk

Apr 24, 2010, 8:35:35 PM4/24/10
Awesome!! Fingers crossed!!

Good luck Olivia! Just be yourself! :)


Russell Solowoniuk
13016 30 Street
Edmonton, AB
T5A 3C2

olivia norman

Apr 24, 2010, 8:38:08 PM4/24/10
Thanks! :) I'll write on Tuesday evening when I get home and let you know how it goes.
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower", Steve Jobs

Russell Solowoniuk

Apr 24, 2010, 8:40:04 PM4/24/10
Hi everyone,

Looking for advice / opinions on guide dogs! I've been blind now for 25
years and have always used a white cane. I'm now in the process of applying
for a guide dog... may be too late to get in this year... I work from
September to June and was hoping to get in either in July or August, but
it's a long shot. I'm going to apply nonetheless, and if I don't get in
this year, perhaps next summer.

I just want to know everyone's opinion on a guide dog... what are the pros
and cons of having a guide dog? Has anyone ever got one and then regretted
it? Any other advice is greatly appreciated!

Thanks all,


marie Howarth

Apr 24, 2010, 9:09:02 PM4/24/10
Hi Russell

I am a first time guide dog owner. I've had my guide dog Bailey for 4 years and I am extremely happy with him. He's a great companion, friend and excellent mobility aid. I'm a dog type of person so adjusting to a dog was not so hard for me as it is for other people.

The training may differ where you live but I enjoyed the training process here in the UK. Bailey came to live with me and I did almost give him back. It's a frustrating first couple of days/weeks and in some cases months. The dogs are not perfect, even they have off days but they all seem to try their best even if they have off days. How much effort you are willing to put into your guide dog will show in how much effort the dog puts into working for you. It's a partnership. Yes, feeding them, caring for their health needs, making sure they're exercised, groomed and given a warm place to sleep at night is essential but they also need love and interaction. guide dogs here really encourage play time and bonding time, grooming is a great way to bond with your dog, as is just getting on the floor and playing with them. I understand not all people are dog lovers but utilise them as a mobility aid alone but I think I'm right in saying that a healthy guide dog partnership are usually the best ones.

My mobility has increased dramatically. I'm more willing to go places I've never been before without sighted assistance with Bailey. People are more likely to offer help in a non-patronising way, [not guaranteed] and I walk a lot faster and a lot straighter. Others who are excellent cane users suggest my mobility skills were not good enough because I say a guide had improved my mobility but I disagree. A cane can't give you the accuracy of a dog when they're working great and my confidence has soared while out and about. I don't know about where you are but people here tend to not be one hundred percent sure what a cane is for and seem more intimidated by it. The dog gives the clear, "i'm blind and may need assistance" yell to sighted people.

Overall, they are a lot of responsibility, great mobility aid and a wonderful companion.

Good luck with your guide dog journey and if you have any more questions I'd be happy to answer them. :)

olivia norman

Apr 24, 2010, 9:40:17 PM4/24/10
What schools are you applying to? I'm going to GDB in San Rafael at the end of May. This is my third dog, and I love working with dogs! I've been working with them since I was 18. The adjustment process is difficult at first, but gets easier with time. I will be keeping a blog of my training, and will post that link here if people are interested.
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower", Steve Jobs

Russell Solowoniuk

Apr 24, 2010, 10:35:48 PM4/24/10
Hi Marie,

Thanks so much! This is exactly the type of feedback I was looking for. It's the sense of freedom and independence that I feel I'm missing and think a guide dog will help give me this. I did own a pet dog for 13 years, so I realize they are a lot of work and commitment... I just feel like it'd be so nice to be able to walk really fast again! :)

Thanks for your response, and I'm sure I'll have many questions to come!

BTW: I'm in Canada. :)


Russell Solowoniuk

Apr 24, 2010, 10:39:45 PM4/24/10
Hi Olivia,

I've applied at Leader Dogs in Michigan and Alberta / BC Guide Dogs in British Columbia, Canada. Both are booking into the fall, but there's always a chance of cancelations, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :)

Thanks Olivia, and, yes, I'd love to read your blog as you go through your training! :)

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